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An overview of the last 4 years living off-grid
This December will be 4 years for us living 100% off-grid, I can tell you it’s been quite the adventure, my only regret is that…
- October 20, 2011·
- Energy ·

Efficient fireplace inserts
They look great but that homey glow real fires produce sends heat right up the chimney as the fire sucks warm air from the rest…
- October 16, 2011·
- Land ·

Utility companies “sick with greed”
lawsuits against National Grid and Verizon over outrageous charges for moving utility lines and poles
- October 15, 2011·
- Energy ·

Average UK household faces fuel poverty
With average real incomes heading down and average fuel bills going up, the typical British household will be in “fuel poverty” by the 2015 if…
- October 13, 2011·
- Events ·
Political disobedience
Ask for everything, expect everything
- October 13, 2011·

Off-Grid living in the UK
How many people are living off the grid in the UK? In 2010 Off-Grid.net estimated there were 100,000 living off the grid in the UK.…
- October 11, 2011·
- Energy ·

Every step you take, will be powering you
Urban slums the most likely to benefit from kinetic powered LEDs says inventor
- October 10, 2011·

Occupy Wall Street a true off-grid movement, and its on fire
As the movement spreads it needs a unifying theme - nothing less than the return of the banks' money by the executives who looted the assets, ably assisted by their lawyers and auditors
- October 6, 2011·
- Energy ·

Wood burners, heat pumps, cut bills
the price of wood is rising, but there are still plenty of ways of cutting heating costs
- October 3, 2011·
The Roundhouse at Druidstone
Detailed description of how to turn an old stone cottage into an eco-dwelling
- October 2, 2011·
Off-Grid.net has been going five years and in that time has helped build the global off-grid community and provided a valuable information service. We need…
- October 1, 2011·

Siphoning your clean water through a filter
Siphons are a low-tech, low-cost way to more than double the flow rates of water filters
- September 25, 2011·
- Events ·
At Last! A Reliable Wind Turbine
A radical new design for wind power in a new $5000 turbine that delivers reliable power at low wind speeds
- September 18, 2011·
Emergency locator – peace of mind at a low price
A great gadget to keep you safe wherever you are in the world
- September 14, 2011·
Mental Preparedness Tips
Note to Preppers: Resilience is all in the mind
- September 1, 2011·

Off-grid communities at sea
Paypal billionaire Peter Thiel has made his second donation to the Seasteading Institute which is setting up libertarian countries on artificial islands. How Hurriacane Irene…
- August 26, 2011·

Homesteading-book review
Homesteading, it’s a buzzword that means different things to different people, back in the day, it meant getting land for free as long as you…
- August 17, 2011·

Going fridgless
Going fridgless, to most people would be paramount to going topless, many people couldn’t imagine living their lives without having a 19+/- cubic foot energy…
- August 13, 2011·
- Events ·
Coming soon: American Riots
Legalizing all drugs is the only way to smash gang culture in our city centers. Until that happens there will be gangs and there will be riots
- August 12, 2011·

Tent Cities – is this the future of the American Dream?
As Tent Cities spring up across America, this kind of picture is becoming commonplace. And its just the beginning. Residents of the 150-person Tent City…
- August 2, 2011·
- Energy ·

Solar Energy on Dragons Den
The BBC’s top-rated TV show Dragons’ Den gave a cautious thumbs-up to Solar in the first show of its new series. But the valuation they…
- July 31, 2011·
- Water ·

Global Storming
2010 was the wettest year since records began. And it was not just the amount of rain and snow, but the intensity which increased
- July 30, 2011·
Can do
Can-It-Forward Day, Aug 13, when home canners can connect through a national circuit of parties and social-media activities
- July 29, 2011·
- Energy ·

Smart Meter resistance growing around world
Australia's bungled Smart Meter program adds 20% to costs. Rest of World little different
- July 29, 2011·
- Energy ·

Satcon Inverters accused of fraud
The bottom is dropping out of the market for large-scale inverters as government subsidies for renewable energy are lowered worldwide. America’s largest inverter company, Satcon…
- July 25, 2011·
- Land ·

Sold my Life, Bought an Island
off the coast of Bocas del Toro, in north-west Panama, he is now master of his own Universe
- July 22, 2011·
- Events ·
Unlimited smartphone plans
From this month new Verizon Wireless customers kissed goodbye to unlimited data plans. But what effect does this have on existing customers? Can off-grid people…
- July 20, 2011·
- Land ·

Block power lines across the Everglades
Just a few days to put in your comments and influence the decision
- July 20, 2011·

Solar powered clothes dryer
It’s funny how your perspectives change as you grow. When I was a kid, I used to be embarrassed because my mom hung our laundry…
- July 15, 2011·
- Land ·

How to live on Land without Residential Planning Permission
Here is a summary of the rules and how to get around them
- July 13, 2011·
- Events ·
Gore plans Sleepathon
He uses environment a self-promotion tool (and media let him)
- July 13, 2011·

Crowd-sourcing documentary
Find out about our film at Indiegogo -- https://www.indiegogo.com/off-grid -- please give generously
- July 11, 2011·

Happy Birthday Lammas
Why we need an alternative building code for off-grid homes
- July 10, 2011·
- Energy ·

Spanish island flips the switch on oil
Switch to 100% renewable will end oil bill of $4m per year
- July 5, 2011·
- Events ·
Will and Kate to visit N.W.T. ‘bush university’
To try their hand at "fish drying" and moosehide tanning.
- July 4, 2011·
- Energy ·

How to manage your power
Maximise your energy consumption during daylight hours, while minimising your overall power usage
- June 30, 2011·

Off-Grid singer tops Canadian charts
Canada’s No 1 recording artist, topping the charts for the second successive week, lives off the grid with his family. Chad VanGallen‘s solar-powered home in…
- June 24, 2011·
- Land ·
Zillow goes off-grid
Features dome home in middle of the Mesa, NM
- June 23, 2011·
- Energy ·
Energy Design Service
- May 31, 2011·
No knead bread
I love making and baking bread, who doesn’t enjoy eating fresh, homemade bread hot from the oven? The problem is the time it takes to…
- May 29, 2011·

Obama favors Wall Street over Green Street
Last weekend, the US president announced he was taking steps to speed up oil and natural gas drilling on public lands and offshore waters. The…
- May 19, 2011·
- People ·

Top Gear presenter says living off-grid can make you happy
Multi-millionaire TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson has said that anyone living off the grid is likely to have a better life than his own. In a…
- May 17, 2011·
- Energy ·

Off-Grid power, water tech breakthrough
Water for about $1 per gallon, and electricity for about 35 cents per kilowatt hour
- May 3, 2011·
- Energy ·

UK energy bills to rise AGAIN
Gas and electricity prices are expected to surge by 15 per cent
- May 2, 2011·
- Events ·
Jersusalem takes Broadway
Play about grubby off-grid guy wows New York audiences
- April 29, 2011·
- Events ·
Vodafone African off-grid tests
Vodafone is set to announce it will build one of Africa’s greenest commercial buildings as a base for testing new ways of using renewable energy…
- April 24, 2011·

The new Gypsies
Book review of photo collection of intimate portraits of the horsedrawn people of the UK
- April 24, 2011·
- Energy ·

Alberta power cos in “death spiral”
A vast bill for new electricity infrastructure will be paid for by Alberta consumers because industry will simply generate its own electricity rather than have…
- April 22, 2011·

DIY rocket stove
I like rocket stoves, these are usually small, usually portable, mini-cooking-heating devices that are very efficient. You can use twigs instead of larger pieces of…
- April 21, 2011·
- Energy ·

The carbon footprint of cannabis
Scare story about energy used to grow pot fails to take into account the use of solar panels and wind turbines by illegal growers
- April 14, 2011·
- Food ·

Food shock – and how to cope with it
What are the most cost-saving foods and how to grow them
- April 12, 2011·
- Events ·
Co-generation in small-town America
Ah, the irony. In San Andreas, CA, atop a possible earthquake of cataclysmic proportions, the town is adopting the latest distributed power generation technologies. Someday…
- April 10, 2011·
- People ·

Clooney to take off-grid project
Story of man who leaves top govt job to live in a cabin in Northern California
- April 10, 2011·
- Spirit ·

Photo library
Our Off the Grid photo collection
- April 7, 2011·
- Energy ·

The Smart Grid Lobbying Machine – an Opposition Manifesto
Challenging the stranglehold the energy industry has on government subsidies for the Smart Grid
- April 6, 2011·

Dirt-cheap survival retreat-book review
There are people who have seemingly unlimited funds to purchase whatever goodies they want. This book is not written for them, though they could glean…
- April 5, 2011·
- Energy ·

How the Grid was built (and why Energy companies are hustling us into paying for their Smart Grid)
Excerpt from Chapter 2 of "Off the Grid: Inside the Movement for More Space, Less Government, and True Independence in Modern America"
- April 5, 2011·
- Energy ·

US Army intensifies off-grid focus
Military bases across America switching to micro-grids
- April 5, 2011·
- Energy ·

Sydney gets down to detail as city prepares to cut grid
Allan Jones, Sydney's renewable boss, has suspended the project while legal and technical issues are ironed out
- April 3, 2011·
- People ·

Mark Boyle at Ted
Growing following for The Moneyless Man
- April 3, 2011·
Please go off the grid in MY town
A list of reasons to choose Southern West Virgina - the first in a series
- April 2, 2011·

Ted Nugent declares himself off-grid…
…but he isn’t. He actually lives in an extremely on the grid ranch in McLennan County. But the crazed quote machine has now declared himself the…
- April 2, 2011·
- Energy ·

Not enough wind to go around
Windpower not infinitely sustainable as thought previously - wave power also affected
- April 1, 2011·
- People ·

Jackson Browne next song about plastic bottles
Singer's ranch in California is off the grid , he operates a plasticfree backstage, and travels on bio-diesel
- March 25, 2011·

Michael Bunker, author of Surviving Off Off-Grid
The Amish author of Surviving Off Off-Grid talks to the editor of www.off-grid.net
- March 24, 2011·
How to go off-grid in Canada
One of our readers, called Craig, posted these tips as a comment on LandBuddy but they deserve a wider audience. Some simple hints if you…
- March 24, 2011·
- Events ·
Preppers in Utah return to the Gold standard
Bill requiring state to recognize gold and silver coins issued by the federal government as legal tender awaits Governor's signature
- March 23, 2011·
- People ·

New York Times journalist sullies off-grid out-house
Excerpt from "Off the Grid" by Nick Rosen
- March 21, 2011·
- Land ·

Seeking: ideal off-grid location. Offering: first edition of “Walden”
looking for a south-facing, gently sloping, wooded five acres, with a creek, a couple hours from a big airport, and with nice neighbors. West Virginia is my favored area.
- March 21, 2011·
- Land ·

Going off-grid in Ecuador – join me!
Over 600 acres untouched virgin land. Natural springs, waterfalls, streams, abundant pasture, forests, mountains
- March 20, 2011·
Off-Grid competition – $300,000 in prizes
2011 MAR 21 – (VerticalNews.com) — For the fourth year, ConocoPhillips and Penn State University kick off the ConocoPhillips Energy Prize. Their goal is to…
- March 20, 2011·
- Land ·

Let him live in peace!
Would not clear the weeds from his land, so it was done for him and he was charged $71,000. Now home siezed to pay bill
- March 20, 2011·
- Energy ·

Euro power grid plan
German Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle has called for expansion of the European power grid to be accelerated, to allow cross-border power trading in electricity. This…
- March 20, 2011·

Life in the slow lane
Not only the shallow lives people live today, also I'm pained by the fact that everyone seems to have lost their connection with each other.
- March 17, 2011·
- Urban ·

Urban Danger
"Civil unrest could be a very high probability," says a ten-term US congressman from Maryland. "....those who understand, need to take advantage of this opportunity when the winds of strife are not blowing to move their families out of the city."
- March 17, 2011·
Back to Basics: book review
It gives you a place to begin and enough information to tell you if you need to know more
- March 16, 2011·

Chassidy gets a Headcold
Chassidy Fitkin is learning to be a herbalist. She continues her diary of discovery as she dumps the MD and conquers, you guessed it, a headcold
- March 16, 2011·
- Energy ·
UK Govt. Launches Off-grid Energy Study
The high number of submissions reflects widespread concerns about the supply of off-grid energy, particularly with regards to heating oil and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
- March 16, 2011·

Back to my Roots
Native American's are off the grid by design, and I've always felt connected to that; its where I come from. My great grandmother lived in a hut, with dirt floors and we wore moccasins as to not disturb her floor
- March 13, 2011·
- Energy ·

As Japan goes off the grid, which companies stand to gain?
Millions without power or light as Nuclear plants threaten to go critical
- March 11, 2011·
- Energy ·

European Smart Grid has No Privacy Protection
"Its an open secret that the European Union Data Protection Directive.is largely not enforced," said a recent report.So the Smart Grid is wide open to abuse
- March 9, 2011·
- Events ·
Mobile driving millions off the grid and on the cloud
The demand for mobile phone services has outstripped grid-bound electricity supply in 32 countries
- March 4, 2011·
- Energy ·

Australian solar subsidies running out
You can still install an average solar panel system with a 1.5kW capacity for under $3000 after rebates
- March 2, 2011·
- Energy ·

Smart lobbying for the Smart Grid
National Grid plc will be one of the principal beneficiaries of the 200 billion investment it is calling for in the national power infrastructure
- March 1, 2011·

Diary of a Trainee Herbalist
We could take care of ourselves! Feed ourselves and be our own doctor
- March 1, 2011·
Bulk food supplies
With food prices going up and up with no end in sight, some of us have already started buying extra food to put away for…
- February 26, 2011·
- Energy ·

Where there’s food, there’s fuel
A Kenyan slaughterhouse in is now more than a source of meat -- its a source of energy
- February 16, 2011·
- Energy ·

National Grid – serial incompetents (or maybe just dishonest)
Fake soliciitation letters, Meters that overcharge, Executive expense scams...time for shareholders to step in
- February 15, 2011·
- Energy ·
PG & E rea-a-ally suck
And SmartMeters are not so great either
- February 12, 2011·
- Events ·
Off-gridders flee ‘solar Katrina’
One Florida family has bought an old chicken coop in West Virginia as an off-grid bolt hole fearing solar storms that could do twenty times more damage than hurricane Katrina
- February 11, 2011·
- Food ·

Food prices continue to rise (thanks Wall Street)
MSNBC blames traders such as Goldman Sachs which hold "more grain than actually exists on the entire planet"
- February 8, 2011·
Solar Panel Insurance
Insuring solar panels - comparison of different insurers and the risks they cover
- February 6, 2011·
- Energy ·

BG & E – you can kiss my gasstove
Baltimore woman goes off-grid after her power bill doubles
- February 5, 2011·
- Energy ·

National Grid slumps in US
National Grid CEO Steve Holliday is apparently trying to save his own job by firing and reshuffling those around him.
- February 2, 2011·
Less is More
Someone very close to me spent over a year trying to convince me to quit my job, sell off most of my belongings and set sail on a lifetime of boating with him. I resisted
- February 1, 2011·
- Mobile ·

Top ten reasons HTC is better than iPhone
better than the overpriced and under-powered iPhone
- January 30, 2011·
- Events ·
Cheapest place to be happy
In America, its Eureka, CA
- January 29, 2011·
- Land ·

“This land is your land…” if your name is Malone or Turner
Media Titan John C. Malone, is completing on nearly one million acres of timberland in Maine, and could soon overtake Ted Turner to become the largest private landowner in the United States.
- January 29, 2011·
- Solar ·
Gratzel solar cells
Gratzel solar cell imitates Nature's way of converting sunlight to energy and is slowly making its debut in a variety of products
- January 29, 2011·
- Work ·
New Madrid Fault System good for business
U.S. Geological Survey says over 500 measurable earthquakes in the New Madrid Fault System since September. But we may be foolish to take the warning signs too seriously
- January 27, 2011·
- Land ·

Off The Grid in Oklahoma
Just getting started on my project. We have twenty acres down on the Salt Fork of the Oklahoma Red River. The view is worth all…
- January 27, 2011·
- Solar ·
Solar cell efficiency set to double
High solar PV project costs, high cell/module production costs and increasing land acquisition costs are key factors slowing solar cell manufacturer's research on solar cell/module efficiency.
- January 24, 2011·
- Energy ·

UK suppliers of off-grid heating oil and gas suspected of price fixing
- January 23, 2011·
- Energy ·

King Country power users “held to ransom” by line company
Consumers are charged a monthly rate based on the highest three hours of usage over a year.
- January 22, 2011·
- Food ·

CabbageGate – Zoning ban on home grown food
Do you know of other examples of local bureaucrats going wild?
- January 22, 2011·
- Water ·

Pedal powered water pump
Film describes exactly how to build one
- January 21, 2011·
- Energy ·

Managing surplus power from wind turbines
Irish farm system being developed as a generic solution for anyone with a wind turbine and more power than they can use
- January 20, 2011·
- Spirit ·

Now is the Winter of our Disconnect
New book by Susan Maushart describes how she unplugged her teenagers and gave them back their lives
- January 19, 2011·
- Energy ·

Half of China’s wind power is off the grid
20GW produced by wind farms or single turbines generating power that is only available in the local area
- January 17, 2011·
- Events ·
Grid tie solar useless in Queensland flood crisis
With Queensland’s capital Brisbane devastated in the Australian floods, householders are learning the disadvantages of grid tied solar. Because of the way Utility companies in…
- January 13, 2011·
Food and medicine
People, it’s time to stock up on what you can now, things aren’t getting any better, and our money is losing value every day. The…
- January 12, 2011·
- Solar ·

Solar powered rainwater pump
Pumps up to 100 gallons on a single charge and runs off of a solar rechargeable NiMH battery. Adaptable to most style rain barrels
- January 10, 2011·
- Energy ·

Army readies to sever from the grid
Plan to measure the effectiveness of microgrids and their potential to make energy infrastructures more efficient and cyber-secure
- December 26, 2010·
Res Publica publishes our call for off-grid UK villages
Res Publica, a London Think Tank for “Radical Traditionalists” has published Nick Rosen’s call for off-grid settlements in the UK. The Disraeli Room is ResPublica’s…
- December 21, 2010·
- Land ·

Indiana zoning battle
72-year-old Dick Thomson "not sanitary" because he does not have a sewer nor running water
- December 19, 2010·
- Mobile ·

Grounded: traveling the world without taking a flight
Excerpt from a new book about life sans airplane
- December 18, 2010·
- Events ·
Tron:Legacy goes off the grid
Tron star Flynn (Jeff Bridges) at a safe house off the Grid, dressed in white and meditating.
- December 17, 2010·
- People ·

Chinese greener than US
The common perception of China is a culture so hell-bent on economic growth that it doesn’t have time for the luxury of environmental awareness. That…
- December 15, 2010·
- Events ·
National Grid faces complaint from family of woman it killed
Patrick Jones, an attorney representing Kay Phaneuf's family, said he expects to file against the utility soon
- December 11, 2010·
- Energy ·

Daryl Hannah slams Steven Chu
Says Mexico Climate Change conference center is over-air-conditioned and condemns Chu for proposing "nothing concrete" in his keynote speech.
- December 8, 2010·
- Water ·

Can this bucket save the world?
Pieter Hoff's Groais is an off-grid tree incubator that could help reforest an area the size of Canada wiping out our carbon emissions in the process.
- December 7, 2010·
- Energy ·

Using a car to charge batteries
How to use vehicle as a back-up generator for when batteries get too low due to absence of sun or wind
- December 3, 2010·
- Energy ·

Save money on energy costs this winter
Short list of simple measures to reduce heating costs this winter
- November 30, 2010·
- Land ·

Small house, big movement
Americans have overhoused themselves for decades. Now they are buying or building small homes that could fit inside a living room
- November 30, 2010·
- Events ·
Joan Baez recovers from tree-house fall
"I sleep in a tree all summer long," Baez said 2008. "I climb up on a ladder, with ropes and things. The birds are right there in the morning. Sometimes they're flying so close to my head, I can feel the wind."
- November 20, 2010·

Dehydrate your own chicken
I found this today on YouTube, these guys are dehydrating chicken, it looks very simple and I suspect you could do this with other meats…
- November 20, 2010·
- Energy ·

Power a house using a waterwheel
The first off-the-shelf waterwheel system which can generate a good supply of electricity from a water fall as little as 20cm
- November 19, 2010·
- Land ·

Home insurance for remote or seasonal properties
Seasonal properties in more remote areas with no caretaker cost more to insure - another reason to do without
- November 19, 2010·
- Energy ·

an ultra-cheap, 'inverter tractor' works the fields and lights the home
- November 18, 2010·
- Events ·
Prince William’s off-grid eco palace
Off-Grid.net predicted years ago that the wedding of William and Katie Middleton would finally be announced. This settles, amongst other things, the future of the…
- November 16, 2010·
- Energy ·
Generator dealers in North America
Distributors and dealers of engines, generators, engine-generator sets, switchgear or related equipment
- November 15, 2010·
- Spirit ·
Hip new hotel in Marfa
No rooms -- only yurts, tepees and trailers
- November 13, 2010·
- Energy ·

Inside fuel plant helping push up food prices
Wheat used could have been put into the food cycle, for humans or animals
- November 13, 2010·
Wind turbines 101
Wind turbines can be an efficient way of providing clean and renewable energy for your home. There are a number of small wind energy devices…
- November 10, 2010·

Is it greener to live in the city or off-grid in a rural area?
Come on over and express your views
- November 10, 2010·
- Spirit ·

William Powers interview
Spend more time being idle - doing nothing is good for you
- November 8, 2010·

Building an eco-village in West Texas
Nothing about American suburbia, or sprawl, is lovely to me anymore.
- November 5, 2010·
- Events ·
Soccket and see
A soccer ball that stores kinetic energy
- November 3, 2010·
- Events ·
PhD in living off-grid?
Here are two University press releases issued today that may be useful if you live in Iowa or Texas. DES MOINES, Iowa, Nov. 3 —…
- November 2, 2010·

Voluntary Simplicity movement
A shed living experiment in the urban jungle of Melbourne, Australia, inspired by the life and ideas of Henry Thoreau
- October 30, 2010·
- Solar ·
Can solar crash the grid?
Uptake of solar in Germany has been so great that the sudden appearance of the sun could generate so much power that it blows the county's grid.
- October 29, 2010·
- Events ·
How ARCO helped kickstart the pot industry
Exclusive interview with former ARCO exec who made sure the company's revolutionary solar panels helped enable large scale pot-growing in N. California
- October 27, 2010·

Excerpt from OFF THE GRID – Inside the Movement….
In this section from "Off the Grid: Inside the Movement for More Space, Less Government, and True Independence in Modern America", I visit an Amish community in Kentucky. Look forward to hearing your comments:
- October 25, 2010·
- Urban ·

In an Emergency, do I head for country or city?
The conventional wisdom is that if the system breaks down for reasons of economic collapse, or some sudden natural disaster, then the best place to…
- October 25, 2010·
- Urban ·

Australian off-grid home design
Its not quite a McMansion, as its appearance is too distinctive, but is this $500,000 home a case of greenwash, or just naive?
- October 24, 2010·
- Food ·

Be like the Eskimos – build a community freezer
A community sized freezer in Essex Center, Vermont, where each house in the village get its own shelf
- October 22, 2010·

Off-Grid updates
My off-grid life is more enjoyable and more fulfilling than just about any part of my old life – living in the city, working 2…
- October 21, 2010·
- Events ·
Tankless water heaters
In my experience tankless water heaters are the way to go in areas with little sun. In sunny areas, water can act as an energy…
- October 20, 2010·
- Energy ·

LPG Generators
Green Power gensets - CC5000 series with Single-Phase Synchronous Brush Alternators
- October 18, 2010·
- Events ·
Zach Galifianakis helps Prop 19
A schleppy best guy pal, with man-slob habits and a predilection for white wine and cannabis.
- October 18, 2010·
- Land ·

How to avoid foreclosure
Most who cannot afford their mortgage might think, "well, I can't afford a lawyer either." Its OK, you don't need one
- October 16, 2010·

Please welcome….Brody Macmillan
Teen from BC left home to fulfill his dream of living off-grid
- October 14, 2010·
- Energy ·

Yak wool power plant
The umbrella-like design uses yak wool and a cheap Chinese insulation fabric with unusually high reflectivity to focus the sun's rays and generate about 11 watts of power
- October 14, 2010·
- Land ·

Bottle Island – copy this idea where you can
New island is made of 120,000 plastic bottles
- October 14, 2010·
- Land ·

Small is the new big
One of our readers commented recently "It's sad that municipalities force people into huge homes, by refusing to let people build small homes. It's all about the money (taxes) that they want to rake in."
- October 9, 2010·
- Food ·

Food prices set to explode this winter
US forecasters slashed grains production estimates after adverse weather damaged crops worldwide.
- October 8, 2010·
Excerpt from OFF THE GRID
- October 7, 2010·
- Energy ·

Power for remote cell-phones (and everything else)
Fenix International has launched a new battery designed for the rigours of life off-grid in the developing world
- October 7, 2010·
- Energy ·

Husk power guru
Profile of Gyanesh Pandey, 33, CEO and Co-founder, Husk Power System
- October 4, 2010·
In housing, small is beautiful
For years, Americans have over-housed themselves. Now the trend is going the other way - 1000 sq feet is a sensible size for a family
- October 3, 2010·

Newfoundland artists colony
A new idea for revalising a declining rural community
- October 3, 2010·
- Events ·
NPower rips its customers again
One of the UK’s biggest power companies has been caught with its hand in its customers pockets –again, and has been forced by regulators to…
- October 2, 2010·
- Events ·
Prepper product sales keep growing
For the price of insuring your car for a year, you can purchase a bit of catastrophe insurance for you and your family
- October 1, 2010·
- Events ·
“Off the Grid” is Off the Charts in Key Biscayne
“The Key Biscayne Times” September cover story, OFF THE GRID “generated more mail and more comment than anything the BT has published in recent years,”…
- October 1, 2010·
- Events ·
The Flintstones 50th
Early-modern consumers yearned to return to nature, sensing somewhere along the way, America had taken the wrong turn
- October 1, 2010·
- Spirit ·

Notes from Off the Grid – a poem
.....There are cabins here,built from driftwood and salvaged glass......
- September 30, 2010·
- Land ·

Foreclosures grinding to a halt – for now
One of America's leading banks says it will freeze foreclosures in 23 States because of dishonest paperwork
- September 30, 2010·
- Energy ·

Bloom Box rolls out second wave
Bloom Energy has maintained a low profile since its highly orchestrated news conference, chaired by John Doerr, raising the curtain on its fuel cell technology…
- September 29, 2010·
- Events ·

Low-tech Biomimetics – wag the dog
How a clothing company invented a better moutaineering jacket by learning from a damp dog.
- September 24, 2010·

Don’t be a Survival Tourist
Five years ago Dan and Shayna Cohen took early retirement to live off the grid in the wilderness of Catron County, New Mexico.…
- September 22, 2010·
- People ·

Solar Flare could kill the Grid
One of the biggest dangers to the grid is bothering the British Secretary of Defense Liam Fox. Today he warns that the electricity grid, financial…
- September 21, 2010·
- Events ·
PG&E was paid to repair San Bruno gas line, never spent the money
It is not clear if the money was handed over, but the following year PG&E came back asking for a further $5m for the same work
- September 16, 2010·
- Events ·

Ex-Pres Clinton turns Meat to Veggie Lover
The recent declaration by former US President Bill Clinton that he is slowly turning vegetarian awed the crowd. In an interview, the former president admits…
- September 15, 2010·
- Events ·
The meals on the bus go round and round
The growing trend for bustaurants
- September 13, 2010·
- Events ·

World’s first pedal-powered Sub
Step.hane Rousson madce the world's first pedal powered air ship. Now he's made the world's first pedal powered sub marine
- September 10, 2010·
- Events ·
For millions, nowhere to turn
With 15 percent of all household loans are already past-due or in foreclosure, off-grid living is the only solution for many Americans.
- September 9, 2010·
- Solar ·
Super-efficient solar cells
The much-hyped cells from Sanyo were announced months ago but are only now available to consumers
- September 8, 2010·
- Events ·
Official – National Grid DID kill Kay Phaneuf
Rockingham County Attorney James Reams wrote:"The termination of the electrical service resulted in Kay Phaneuf no longer being able to breathe."
- September 8, 2010·
- Energy ·

National Grid scams consumers
"Red flag" expenses include $35,700 tuition bill for an executive's children, $1,200 for shipping a wine collection from the UK, and $1,200 for cat transportation.
- September 5, 2010·

7 Things I use, living off-grid
PB and I have been living 100% off-grid since December 2007, we have done most everything ourselves, mostly by hand, it’s cheaper that way. Over…
- September 2, 2010·
- Energy ·

Off-grid generators – am I asking too much?
I want a generator with an engine so simple I could strip the top end down myself, replace the valves, lap them in, all in my lunch hour. Am I asking too much?
- August 26, 2010·
- Events ·
How to have your own spring-water
Thomas Lawrence has his own off-grid place – here is what he learned about securing his own water source. From the moment I became interested…
- August 25, 2010·
- Work ·
Pay it Back (avoid the double dip)
Workers in the financial sector whose companies reported large writedowns post-2009 should be forced to pay back their bonuses, thereby strengthening liquidity.
- August 19, 2010·

Reunion on Castaway Island
This weekend the Castaways meet again for the first time - back on Taransay, this time without the cameras present.
- August 14, 2010·
- Events ·
Solar Sticker Makes More Power
A special polymer sticker increases power output on solar panels by 10 percent, and can be applied to panels that are already installed.
- August 13, 2010·
- People ·

Justin’s just lovin’ his greens
‘Sexyback’ singer Justin Timberlake this week re-opened his luxury ‘eco-friendly’ golf course in Memphis Tennessee after investing millions of dollars on an environmental upgrade. Note…
- August 13, 2010·
- Events ·
Why won’t they listen to us?
One woman's attempt to persuade the British government to allow its citizens to live off the grid
- August 11, 2010·
5 books for living off the grid
From survivalist skills to food growing and building - the key texts
- August 11, 2010·
- Water ·

Earth Balls
A low-cost, off-the-grid, dome-like housing option, adapted for living on water.
- August 11, 2010·

Wow, what a rain!
Living in the high desert means having to deal with long periods of dry weather punctuated by periods of mega-rains. We got one of those…
- August 10, 2010·
Post on LandBuddy to win a copy of “Off the Grid” by Nick Rosen
The best three posts published by August 31st will get the book, and be featured on www.off-grid.net thus increasing the visibility of their own entry.
- August 10, 2010·

Interactive map of California’s green economy
Companies in smaller counties, such as Fresno/Tulare (43), Chico (28), Santa Cruz (36) and Truckee (10), are providing innovative solutions and creating jobs
- August 9, 2010·
Cost of solar panels
How to calculate your utility bill savings from switching to solar, plus forecasts of nextgen solar technology
- August 9, 2010·
- Food ·

Permaculture Truffle Growing
Hazel trees inoculated with summer truffle yield 64-288kg of truffles per tree at an average wholesale price of $420 (£280) per kilo.
- August 5, 2010·
- People ·

What to wear for the Apocalypse
TV survival show "The Colony" is stocked with ridiculously good-looking inmates who must survive a global catastrophe. They should try living off-grid!
- August 4, 2010·
Low cost way to chill your house
How two carefully situated fans can give the effect of air conditioning in old houses.
- August 2, 2010·
- Events ·
Dutch John’s anarcho-woodmobile
A Dutch anarchist makes his car run on a wood gasifier
- July 28, 2010·
- Events ·
Off the Grid book launch
Details of the new book which offers an America-wide snapshot of life off the grid
- July 27, 2010·
- Events ·
Crowdsourcing documentary about Living off the grid
Off-Grid.net is inviting anyone who lives off the grid to submit video or stills and help build a picture of life off the grid
- July 19, 2010·

Party like its 1929
As the Banksters continue to draw their massive paychecks, the rest of us are hunkering down for what looks increasingly like the end of economic growth
- July 19, 2010·