LED Lights are not just for Christmas – Affordable, Compact, and Bright!
Illuminate Your Off-Grid Adventures with a Tent Lamp Portable LED Light! Compact, bright, long-lasting and economically affordable at just $13.99 in the US, these lights

USA VanLifers soars above 3 MILLION
As homelessness increases across the USA, the VanLife population is growing rapidly. From around one million VanLifers in 2020, according to the RV Industry Association,

Off-Grid Second Homes in UK DON’T Need TV License
If you are a part-time off-gridder in the UK, already paying for y0ur TV license elsewhere, then you don’t need to pay the £159 at

Training for space travel by going off-grid
Eastern Cape, Wednesday- Theoretical physicist Adriana Marais has wanted to board a spaceship to Mars since she was five. One of 100 candidates selected for

Seven new technologies that can enhance your life
Knowing which bets to place when it comes to adopting emerging new technologies is impossible. But its still worth trying. Betting on the winners of

Brexit made me go off-grid
Dave Goodwill told fellow-members on Quora how he made the choice to go off-grid: Brexit will greatly improve my life. I’ve been struggling with seasonal

Opting out of the Phone race
When you’re trying to keep things simple and low tech, you want a low impact, low maintenance phone. Something that you can use in case

You CAN use your phone as a walkie-talkie
Apple let it be known over the weekend that they have cancelled a planned feature on the new iPhone allowing it to be used as

Boom in Electric Vehicle charging devices will help off-gridders
Now the new bi-directional chargers are coming on the market – off-grid car-owners can charge up in the city and download the power when they get home.

Visiting Outback Prepper + Budget Prepping links
With one phone call, I’ve accidentally ended up in a survival caravan fit out for a nuclear holocaust. But within days, I’m converted, and perhaps

Off-road vehicle, off-grid home
Are you looking to exchange a comfortable middle class home for life sitting round a campfire? You might be in luck. Winnebago Industries has recently

Customise your favourite outdoor gear
A kayaker and his brother painted shark jaws on the front of their kayak. A long-distance cyclist attached mirrors and lights to his handlebars and

Living in a Box, a 4-wheeled Box
Jeremie.C.Lingenheim could have anything he wants within reason. He could drive around London in a Porsche, but he prefers a motorbike. He could eat in

It doesn’t feel like a sacrifice
After finishing school, Jocelyn and Jarvis had $96,000 of debt from student loans, credit cards, and buying a small rural property. This is the story

River mobile battery
Backup batteries? Got ’em. Mobile charging stations? Check. But I need a mobile battery that will keep my beer cold and charge my phone and

Artist Within a World
This amazing 360 degree work (only a part shown) by van-dwelling artist Emily Lamb is the product of her time in jungles and mountains around

Van life in Vancouver
Wow, that is my first thought about Atli and how she lives! She is a part-time bus driver, she can afford to work part time

Stealth camping in the city
Most of the people I know of who live in their vans or other vehicles are travelers, they camp, they don’t tend to live in

Stealth van build and tour
Could you live in a van? I could if I had this one, it’s designed to be a “stealth van”, it has loads of space

Luxury Volkner Motorhome
The Volkner mobil performance s is the future of road living. The 40ft luxury motorhome comes with all of the mod-cons you could possibly wish for.

30 days and it’s ready
I had so much fun watching this couple condense a 30 day conversion into a short video, as I saw each part, I thought that’s

Karen and her Casita
I spent some time today listening to Karen describe her life and how she ended up living in a small Casita travel trailer. I am
Van living is road to freedom
“Living in a van, I can make money, be an artist, and travel three continents,” says Nathan Murphy, an accomplished amateur rock climber from Cornwall

Loving Couple Caravan Adventure
Loving couple Stian Berg Larsen and Susanne Madelen Larsen are having a DOUBLE celebration – their new daughter, Aurora Louise is one month old and

Truck garden
Growing up I had heard of truck farms, usually small family farms, when the produce is ready, the farmer takes the produce to a farmer’s

Travel trailer living with 3 boys?
…and 2 dogs… what would you think about living with 3 boys and 2 dogs on the road?

John’s nomadic house truck
The older I get, the more I like seeing grey haired (geezers) living the life! This is no different, yes John is living his

Legalities of tiny homes
You want to live in a tiny home, you have done your research, you love what you see, but now you are finding out the

Can you live in a tiny house in winter?
The tiny house movement us huge (no pun intended), and is even becoming more mainstream. The fact that most of them are built on trailer

The Open Road: RV Sales Boom
The all-American way to go off the grid is of course with a recreational vehicle – an RV. Buckle up. Open road. Highway 66. Freedom.

Ways to save on smartphones and mobile internet
The key problem for off-grid smartphone users is their monthly data plan. Due to apps playing videos automatically, attachments being downloaded as soon as they become

Dump your camper in the lake?
Would you drive your camper into the lake or river? You would if you owned an amphibious RV! I’ve seen “redneck” versions where they put
Tiny homes for veterans
All too often, our veterans are being left out in the cold, literally, there are many who are homeless for a variety of reasons, and

Staying warm in the cold weather
As I sit here next to the wood burning stove, I am cozy warm inside of the SkyCastle. The temps are dropping and we just

Tiny home made with SIP
This video caught my eye because it used the term SIP, I didn’t know what that meant until I watched the video further, it’s structurally

Composting toilet – one year later
Everyone poo’s, everyone. It’s just a fact of life, even if you life in an RV. These folk have a nice rig and use an

The Art (and fabulousness) of Sleeping in Your Vehicle
By Diane Kois – car-dweller, car-lover A few months ago when I made the decision to dwell in my Jeep, instead of continuing to pay

Stealth van conversion in 17 days
Nate Murphy enjoys living stealthy in his van, he found a low mileage van and was able to convert it in a quick 17 days,

6 Months Living in beauty
We’ve been full-timing in our Airstream since April. That’s 6 months of LIB (Living in Beauty). So far, we’ve been visitors of 23 communities in

Two years in a tiny home
Two years after moving into his tiny home, Bryce Langston came back for a return visit to see how Brett Sutherland is getting along, what

Four Gay years travelling to every US national park
Whatever thoughts you had about turning 30, I bet they didn’t make you leave your job, pack your bags and spend 4 years living

In praise of the humble Hammock
Yes, those things your grandma used to relax in in her garden with a nice book are the way forward when camping. Hammocks can

Could you live on a narrow boat?
When I think of living on a boat, I think of being on the ocean, or on a lake, but there are other waterways, called

Hard core van living
In this episode of our Van Life adventure we find a very rare VW mechanic and get to work putting right what “The Mother of
Woman living full time in an RV…
Jo has realized that the traveling lifestyle can be had for much less cost than most realize. With even a modest budget and plenty of

Floating tiny home
This is one of of the most interesting tiny home / floating homes I’ve ever seen! I love the look of this, I could totally

Barn shaped blueberry
Laura and Rory’s barn shaped blueberry tiny home, they designed it themselves, I love the little touches that makes it theirs. With clever ideas, they

Stealth camper van
Living out of a van, for some that would sound like a nightmare, for others, a dream come true. To happily live in a van,

Beth’s van conversion
Vandwelling is an interesting way to live, having your home and your vehicle all in one, this lady converted her van into a home herself,

Mobile homeless
I write quite a bit about tiny homes, both on and off wheels, many choose to live this lifestyle in tiny accommodations, some of the

Veg-oil powered bus
“Buses convert really well to motor homes…” says Jade, a builder who transformed a school bus into his beautiful home on wheels. The first thing
High end tiny house
Most of the tiny homes I have seen are built on a tight budget, this one was built with more high end features in mind,

School teacher’s tiny home build
When I was a little girl, my dad had converted our single car wide garage in our home into a dining room on one end

Handy gadgets for your bug-out bag
Its vacation time – and here we are – on the road again…and wanting to travel light. We thought we would share with you a
5 Cool things for your Bug-out Bag (or off-grid stocking)
What do YOU think should be in the best bug-out bags this year? Please let us know by commenting on this article. Send us videos
Tiny home documentary
I really appreciate how tiny homes are becoming more and more mainstream as well as legal, though many still have to “get around” codes and

Dry flush toilet
No matter how you choose to live, off-grid, in a tent, a tiny house, a dome, everyone has to go to the bathroom. That is
Would you live in a parking garage?
There is so much unused space, especially in the USA, space that was created for one purpose but with fresh eyes, can be used for
Tiny home on wheels in Chattanooga
More and more commercial businesses are getting into the small home or tiny home business, this company based out of Chattanooga, has gone above and
How the Do It Yourself World came to be
Several years back, I found a YouTube channel featuring Troy and his Do It Yourself World, he posted videos about going off-grid on the smallest

The Edge of Green tiny home
Another tiny home, I really like the layout of this one as well as the material it’s made of. I love how they incorporated the

Going tiny with a family
You take one ratty camper, tear it down to the frame, then rebuild it, now it’s transformed into a home, and not just for one

Living in small camper vans
I am learning more and more about people who live nomadic lives, driving and living in smaller camper vans rather than buying into the larger
Big guy, tiny home
When Joel Fleck moved home to after college, he wanted his own place, but he didn’t want to pay the steep Sonoma County rents, so
Win a Tiny Home ($100 purchase necessary)
Social Entrepreneurs at SustainaFest have announced the Tiny House Essay Contest, which will make one person’s dream of sustainable living come true. The winner of

The Coming of Post-Industrial Society
In 1973, the American sociologist Daniel Bell, in his book, The Coming of the Post Industrial Society predicted that advanced societies would change from being

Mobile, stealthy, off-grid, vandweller
I think I got all the descriptive words covered there in the title, I am talking about Brian, also known as AdventureVanMan on YouTube. In

Free calls and wi-fi – forever
If you are not paying rent or a mortgage then your cellphone bill is your biggest expense, right? Wrong. Remember the early days of Internet

Mobile living
A few months ago, a long lost friend appeared back in my life, a friend I knew when I was an early teen but lost

Fantasy castle on wheels
When I first saw this, I wondered how interesting this might be, then I watched the video, I’m blown away, so is PB, he was

Modern technology, we have shunned much of it, but sometimes it’s a great thing to have around, the internet, FaceBook and the such, these things
Batteries not improving, so gadget efficiency is goal
WSJ 5th Oct – There is no Moore’s law for batteries. That is, while the computing power of microchips doubles every 18 months, the capacity

Great Autos for the Boonies
Getting away from it all – really away – is harder than most would like to think. I went to an off-grid festival last month

The ultimate bachelor pad on wheels
Brett Sutherland built the ultimate bachelor pad on wheels to suit his need for a home, balancing cost with useability without sacrificing style, this is

Portable tiny house and airstream-ish office
Ann Holley wanted to create an off-grid, transportable tiny house that would be technically an RV, but with an aesthetic that wouldn’t feel like living

Delivery Van to RV for £6000
The ordinary-looking blue van has a chimney protruding from the roof. This leads down to a wood burner in the former window-glazing truck, which a

Off the Grid and On the Cloud
Why do we have the slogan “off the grid and on the cloud?” Because we advocate combining ancient wisdom with the latest technology. It’s great
Gear you need in your bug-out location
Imagine the collapse of society because there is an extreme weather event or the Chinese economy implodes bringing down the global system No reason for
off the grid but on the cloud
Cloud computing may seem incompatible with being off-grid, but there are ways to live in the cloud even when you don’t have an Internet connection.
Satellite Panic Buttons – Boon or Bane?
Spot satellite emergency signalling devices have saved 3000 lives to date – but are they an essential piece of kit for the outward bound, or
The wearable revolution
By Rachel Botsman – a global thought leader on the power of collaboration. What if you could draw a dollar sign in mid-air, followed by
Charge your phone with this foldaway windmill
Forget plugs – you can now charge your mobile with a portable WIND TURBINE:the Trinity propeller harnesses breezes to power up a phone and other

FireChat app
SAN FRANCISCO AP –A new mobile messaging application called FireChat is empowering nearby smartphone users to stay in touch even when there’s no cellular service
App uses social media data to make avoiding people easier
A new iPhone app allows users to harness the power of social media to become as anti-social as possible. Cloak lets users view a map

Bye-bye the smartphone:Tablets rated and reviewed
Out in the boonies, your net-connected phone or computer can be your best work-mate. But phones are too small, and computers too power-hungry. The new

New secure cellphone is hard to use
Barcelona – Telecommunications Weekly reports the launch of a new secure phone for those who do not want the NSA or anyone else spying on

Woodlands better than Baltimore shelters
Baltimore photographer Ben Marcin’s captures makeshift settlements near railway lines, gas stations, Walmarts and bridges. Amongst his eerie tableaux of tents, vans and other non-permanent
Subaru unreliable electrics
When you live off the grid a Subaru Outback might seem like the perfect choice. It’s a low-profile All wheel Drive that has an enviable

ArkPak battery box review
Just before Christmas, I received a device called an ArkPak. It’s referred to as “The world’s most advanced battery box”. And that is exactly what

Old fire rescue truck conversion into an RV
Some guy bought an old fire rescue truck. What he turned it into is pure awesomeness. This Reddit user’s dad did something with a hunk

Memo to Santa: Keep taking the Tablets
GADGETS are the big gifts this year as usual, whether tablets, games consoles, TVs or cameras. But there is one gizmo that can be all

What’s it like living on a yacht?
Interesting discussion on the Solar investment chatroom about living on a 40 foot +/- yacht. “I see them outside my office window all day and