Nate Murphy enjoys living stealthy in his van, he found a low mileage van and was able to convert it in a quick 17 days, these were full, long days, not a part time endeavor. The bed takes up the lion’s share of the space, looking very comfortable and roomy. I love his kitchen with the built in stove top and sink compartment, Nate is happy with that part of his build as well. He has everything a person could want, with 3 notable exceptions, a fridge, a toilet and shower.
His reason for not having a toilet is simple, he doesn’t fancy the smell associated with having a toilet in such a small enclosed space, he does have a couple of urine bottles for emergencies. He says he is always within reasonable distance of a toilet and so far, it hasn’t been a problem.
Showers add a whole level of expense and complication that he just didn’t want to deal with, the fact that it would take more water than he stores now and would have to heat said water, it’s just not in the cards now.
As far as a fridge is concerned, same issues as above, the expense is the main reason to go fridgeless, and the fact that he doesn’t eat the sorts of foods that require being kept cold. He can always install a cooler if the need ever arises.
Here is the video of his build, it’s not really a “how to”, it’s more of a “this is what I did”, watch and enjoy.
Here is Nate’s blog explaining more in dept how he lives and how he converted his van.
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