


Solar Panels for Palestine – Donate Now

Whatever your views on the Arab-Israel conflicts, and on the Hamas atrocities of October 9th, nobody can no doubt that the humanitarian crisis demands immediate action by all of us – especially now that UNWRA has been exposed as a deeply suspect organisation. Sending money to huge bureaucracies like Save the Children or UNWRA – you know for sure that much of it goes in admin, bribes and other priorities than your own.

So if you want to help Palestinians on the ground in Gaza, who are surviving on tiny morsels of food, limited water and intermittent energy, if you want all your money to go straight to those in need – then we have a way.

Our cameraman in Gaza, will spend what we send him on buying solar panels, and film himself donating them to ordinary families. He has already been donating cash this way – brought in via Egypt.

He shot our latest Youtube footage, showing him distributing donated money – 50 shekels at a time. You can see the ID cards of the women as he hands them the money. You can see they are innocent citizens and not terrorists. Watch the video on our socials, and tell your friends.




Youtube shorts

But solar panels are more valuable than money – they are the gift that keeps on giving. We have found a supply of panels in Gaza, and any donations received will be used to purchase them and give them to communities in need of energy to power their lights and phones.

Please paypal to nick@off-grid.net and we will get the money straight out there the next day.

Mark your paypal: Solar Panels for Palestine.

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The End We Start From – New Movie Starring Jodie Comer

A new movie starring Jodie Comer explores what could happen if a flood takes the UK off-grid.

Directed by rising star Mahalia Bello the film is set in a world that sees London submerged by flood waters. Comer play a mum who tries to find her way home with her newborn child after she’s separated from her family.

The disaster movie almost happened in real life last year, when Storm Henck hit the UK. Its intense rainfall had nowhere to go except to pour into rivers, which burst their banks spectacularly across the country. More than 1,000 homes in England were flooded and some villages totally cut off, with Nottinghamshire, Shropshire, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire worst affected.

This interpretation is supported by figures from the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, which last week revealed that the period between July and December in 2023 was the wettest on record for the UK. As to the reason, there is a simple explanation.

“Climate change is warming the atmosphere,” said Linda Speight of Oxford University. “A warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture so that when it rains, the rainfall is heavier and more likely to lead to flooding. In particular, we know that climate change is leading to warmer and wetter winters in the UK. We will unfortunately experience more winters like this one in the future.”

The film focuses on the love of a mother for her baby, the love between her and her partner, the love between friends and the love of community. “That’s what keeps people going and gives them strength,” said Megan Hunter, auuthr of the 2017 novel on which the film is based.

At the same time, she hopes that The End We Start From will help to raise awareness about the need to act urgently on the climate emergency facing our planet, or we too will face the end of life as we know it.

“If it becomes one of the most important things in the world to all of us, we’ll be able to make the changes we need to,” she says. “We’ve driven things this far with overconsumption, fossil fuels, capitalism: we’ve reached this point of total crisis. But this is where we are. And we need to start from here, from this end point we’ve reached, and create a new future.”


London and other cities across the UK are underprepared for the “disastrous consequences” of climate change, with issues including severe flooding and extreme heat posing a “lethal risk” to vulnerable communities, according to a new report. The London Climate Resilience Review, commissioned by mayor of London Sadiq Khan and chaired by Emma Howard Boyd, the former chair of the Environment Agency, issued a series of “urgent recommendations”, including that Whitehall should give councils more funding and powers to adapt to global warming. 

The End We Start From goes on general release

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Gridless in Gaza

The tragic war in Gaza has left hundreds of thousands off the grid  – with no water or power and very little food.

Off-grid has obtained exclusive footage from the streets of Southern Gaza – available to watch on our youtube channel – offgridnet .

It is quite dangerous to gather this footage and our thanks go to our long-standing cameraman in the region. We are not naming him for security purposes.

After they queue for hours at aid stations for tiny amounts of sustenance,  and to recharge their phones – Gaza residents then return to bombed-out shelters to cook morsels of bread on campfires and go to the toilet in whatever unused corners they can find.

They search the trash for materials for their fires to cook by. Off-Grid.net is trying to send solar panels and batteries to Gaza but there are many obstacles.

The Israeli army prevents batteries and solar panels from getting through, claiming the equipment has a military purpose.  But this claim ignores the humanitarian emergency unfolding, and makes Israel’s IDF look as though they are deliberately imposing siege conditions on the Gaza population.

Hospitals are another place where Gazans can charge their phones and pick up water.

Please contact us if you want to help us provide off-grid aid to Gaza  – contact



Please contact us with footage from off-grid zones, anywhere in the world.

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DIY Christmas Gifts for Off-Grid Living: Thoughtful and Sustainable Presents

christmas-gifts-humble-hand-crafted-hand-made-simple-142737106The holiday season is upon us, and it’s time to spread some joy with heartfelt gifts. If you have friends or loved ones who embrace the off-grid lifestyle, why not consider DIY Christmas gifts that align with their sustainable and self-reliant way of living? Not only will these presents be unique and thoughtful, but they’ll also showcase your support for their chosen path. So, let’s dive into some creative and eco-friendly ideas that will make their off-grid Christmas truly special!

  1. Personalized Herb Garden: Help your off-grid friends embrace their green thumbs by creating a personalized herb garden kit. Gather some small pots, organic soil, and a variety of herb seeds. Decorate the pots with hand-painted designs or personalized messages. This gift will not only add flavor to their culinary adventures but also serve as a beautiful reminder of your thoughtfulness.

  2. Handmade Beeswax Candles: Nothing sets a cozy ambience quite like the warm glow of candlelight. Instead of store-bought candles, consider making your own using beeswax. Beeswax is a natural and sustainable material that emits a lovely, subtle fragrance. Melt the beeswax, pour it into molds of your choice, and add a cotton wick. Package the candles in reusable and recyclable materials for an eco-friendly touch.

  3. DIY Natural Beauty Products: Encourage self-care with homemade natural beauty products. You can create simple yet luxurious items like lip balms, body scrubs, or bath salts using organic ingredients. Customize the scents and packaging to suit the receiver’s preferences. Not only will they enjoy pampering themselves, but they’ll also appreciate the effort you put into making something just for them.

  4. Solar-Powered Phone Charger: Living off-grid often involves limited access to electricity. Help your loved ones stay connected by gifting them a solar-powered phone charger. This practical gift ensures that they can charge their devices even in remote locations, harnessing the power of the sun.

  5. Upcycled Home Decor: Tap into your creativity and transform discarded materials into unique home decor pieces. For example, you can make a wall hanging using driftwood, seashells, and twine, or create a rustic photo frame using reclaimed wood. These upcycled gifts add a personal touch to their off-grid living spaces while reducing waste. Pinterest is your friend here!

This Christmas, celebrate the off-grid lifestyle by giving DIY gifts that reflect the values of sustainability, self-sufficiency, and creativity. From personalized herb gardens to handmade beauty products and solar-powered gadgets, there are endless possibilities to explore. These thoughtful presents will not only bring joy to your loved ones but also reinforce their commitment to living a more eco-friendly and fulfilling life. So, grab your crafting supplies, immerse yourself in the DIY spirit, and let your imagination run wild. Happy holidays filled with love, laughter, and sustainable gifting!

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Unlocking Off-Grid Paradise: Mastering the Art of Location Selection

Embarking on an off-grid journey? Buckle up, because the location you choose might just be the pivot between thriving and barely surviving in your sustainable haven. Finding the right spot isn’t just a choice; it’s a masterstroke in the canvas of off-grid living.

Climate: Your Off-Grid Compass

Picture this: basking in the sun, harvesting energy from the abundant rays. Or, snug inside during chilly winters, relying on stored resources. Climate isn’t just small talk; it’s the cornerstone of your off-grid venture. The sun worshippers would revel in solar power in sun-drenched areas, while wind aficionados might thrive in breezier locales. Always assess how the climate aligns with your energy goals and lifestyle.

Resources: The Off-Grid Buffet

You’re the captain of your self-sufficient ship, and resources are your treasure trove. Water sources – abundant or scarce? Forests – foraging heaven or firewood woes? Land fertility – a potential garden paradise or a barren challenge? Unravel the resources your location offers, ensuring they align with your self-sustaining dreams.

Legal Considerations: Navigating the Off-Grid Maze

Ah, the legal tangle – a less romantic yet vital aspect. Zoning laws, building permits, and property regulations can either smoothen your off-grid sail or tangle it in red tape. Research local laws diligently; they could either support your vision or pose unexpected hurdles.

Accessibility: The Road Less Traveled

Off-grid living often means being off the beaten path. But how off is too off? Accessibility matters – for supplies, emergencies, and even the human need for connection. Balancing remoteness with access to essentials is a delicate art.

Community and Support: Lone Wolves vs. Tribe Seekers

Are you a lone wolf or a tribe seeker? The presence of like-minded individuals in the vicinity can make a world of difference. Sharing knowledge, resources, and occasional bonfires might be just what the off-grid doctor ordered.

In the symphony of off-grid living, the location holds the conductor’s baton, dictating the harmony or discord of your sustainable lifestyle. It’s not just about a spot on the map; it’s about aligning the environment with your off-grid aspirations.

So, aspiring off-gridders, heed this call: evaluate, scrutinize, and choose your off-grid Eden wisely. The right location isn’t just a pin on a map; it’s the cornerstone of your self-sustaining utopia.

Choose. Prepare. Thrive. Welcome to the symphony of off-grid living!

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Choosing Off-Grid Companions: The Best Pets for Your Sustainable Lifestyle

Hey there, off-grid enthusiasts! If you’re contemplating which furry (or feathery) friend to bring into your self-sufficient haven, you’re in the right spot. Picking the perfect off-grid companion can be as crucial as deciding between solar or wind power. Let’s explore the best pets that sync seamlessly with your off-grid lifestyle.

Dogs: Faithful Sidekicks

Who doesn’t love a loyal buddy by their side? Dogs, especially those bred for outdoor activities or farm work, can be a perfect fit. They’re fantastic for security and unwavering companionship during your off-grid adventures.

Cats: Independent Pest Managers

Are you more of a free-spirited soul? Cats might just be your off-grid spirit animal. They’re the masters of independence and can double up as excellent pest controllers, keeping those sneaky rodents at bay.

Chickens: Feathery Providers

For a constant supply of fresh eggs and occasional meat, chickens are the go-to choice. These feathered friends are relatively low-maintenance and can strut around your off-grid paradise, adding that authentic homestead vibe.

Goats: Sustainable Lawnmowers

If you’ve got the space and a hankering for a touch of the countryside, goats might just be your answer. They’re fantastic for milk, meat, and keeping the vegetation in check – nature’s lawnmowers, if you will.

Horses: Majestic Companions

Dreaming of riding through your off-grid oasis? Horses are more than just companions; they’re noble creatures that can aid in work and transport, adding a majestic touch to your off-grid lifestyle.

Bees: Buzzing Eco-Helpers

Looking for some buzzing buddies to contribute to your sustainable setup? Bees are the secret superheroes, pollinating your crops and producing sweet honey, plus some wax for your DIY projects.

Rabbits: Compact Providers

For a smaller yet equally impactful addition, rabbits are the way to go. They multiply fast, provide meat and fur, and with their hay and veggie diet, they’re like little sustainability champions.

Fish: Aquatic Delicacies

If your off-grid paradise includes a water source, why not consider aquaculture? Fish like tilapia or trout can be a tasty and protein-packed addition to your off-grid menu.

Before diving into pet parenthood, remember to consider space, resources, and local regulations. Each pet brings its unique flair to your off-grid life, but ensuring their comfort and well-being is key.

So, whether you’re herding goats or cuddling up with a furry friend, choosing the right off-grid companion can make your sustainable journey even more rewarding. Embrace your chosen pals and watch them become an integral part of your off-grid tale!

Happy off-grid pet hunting! 🐾✨

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Campaigning For UK Solar Owners Underpaid By Utility Companies

Paying top whack for the right to be ripped off

The London Times has exposed shockingly low rates paid by some Utility companies for surplus PV power generated by their customers. And Solar panel owners are comparing ways to claw back some of the money.
Suppliers charge 34p per kWh — but pay as little as 1p for the electricity they buy from householders, despite higher energy prices.

One reader on the web site says: “Ofgem should make it mandatory that the energy companies pay for export at a similar price as the import price, similar to octopus flex tariff.

You can get together with other off-grid subscribers to start your own local community energy company. Go to the Off-Grid Map Page to get started.

“If Government really want to support and promote Roof solar panels there should be net metering and stop all the noise about batteries etc, consumer pays the same price for export and import. In Australia two third households have solar panels whereas in UK it’s 10%.”

And another readers adds: “Only in the UK are you ripped off ! In France and Germany excess solar power is banked so acting as virtual batteries. You pay a nominal sum to get it back. In Spain price reduction/ subsidies can be as high as 60% for pv and battery.”

the precise way UK consumers can fight back against the rip-off Utility companies is complicated. you can buy cheaply between midnight and 06:30 and sell back anything unused and not needed for the following day. The differential between “buying cheap” and “selling dear” are fairly constant and do not appear to be markedly affected by the Ukraine situation.

“The best sell-back prices are usually between 16:00 and 19:00, says another reader. “There are apps that automatically manage the process, including the weather forecast for you precise location so you will know how much solar you should have). This allows a degree of automation as to what to buy and sell. It is a real eye-opener. My 4.2kWp Solar PV and 12.8kWh battery storage system is being installed this week. Cannot wait. The economics are transformed by the “agile” rates.”

However, the government did not set a minimum that suppliers that have to pay. E, which has about 300,000 customers, pays the lowest at 1p per kilowatt hour (kWh) exported, according to the website Eon and EDF pay 3p per kWh, although they have better rates if you also buy energy from these suppliers.

A typical 3.5kW solar system costs about £5,500, and this would produce about 2,646 kWh a year, although it depends on your location and the weather.

If you don’t have a battery to store your electricity (they cost between £3,000 and £6,000) you will lose about half of it —

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Off-grid protestors

What is Climate Justice?

People are talking about and demanding “Climate Justice.” But what does the term actually mean, and how do we get it?

Inequalities of energy consumption, and other resources like water and food are the biggest causes of climate injustice.  Energy is responsible for 75% of all carbon emissions, and therefore is the highest priority.

The main debate around climate justice is about disparities involved in tackling climate change. Rich countries can adapt in ways that poor countries cannot, and rich people can adapt in ways poor people cannot – turning up the aircon during hot weather, for example.

Going off-grid and switching to renewables is the biggest step that wealthy economies can take – because it leads to the sharpest reductions in energy consumption.

As we all begin to adapt to the new climate reality – here are some ways to a just transition:

  • Develop detailed,  openly available and accessible evacuation and communication plans. There will be more chemical disasters. For example, higher temperatures warp train tracks, causing more derailments.
  • Encourage school systems to not only teach climate change and earth preservation but also to adapt educational methods and instructor and parental support for an increasingly stressed society.
  • Ensure Homeowners Associations and landlords to focus on life-saving priorities, like getting communities off the grid and sustaining local gardens and food options for residents.
  • Create inventives for philanthropy to pour more funding into environmental causes and the climate change transition. Such as matching funds from provate business or government.
  • Invovle nonprofits to plan and support existing local solutions that don’t depend on national or international shipping of goods and services.

Do what you can. Collaborate, don’t compete. Support communities that are already disproportionately impacted (communities of color, rural communities and communities of lower economic status). Let them lead the way. They already are.

We can all do something,  but we have to talk about it first.






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Two festival goers sit in the shade under a sign

Small World Kicks Off UK Festival Season

The Small World festival in Headcorn, Kent, is the UK’s only totally solar-powered festival, with no generators at all. The Spring Gathering is the traditional start to the UK Festival season.

(Please put all dates for other festivals in the chat and comments of this story and we will build up a list.)/em

A few thousand visitors, and up to 1000 staff enjoy 5 days of sunshine, mainly acoustic music, free yoga and the nightly fire show, which takes place at dusk.

The main central tent has a full roster of world music, and there are multiple venues all over the place featuring hundreds of indie bands.

Spoken word performances start at midnight after the amplifiers are turned off, especially at the fire pit outside the Tribal Voices bus.

Off-grid editor Nick Rosen will be speaking 2.30pm Saturday about how to go off-grid.

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Small Growers Deserve Same Green Subsidies As Farmers

ALL over the world, governments are handing farmers green subsidies in the form of carbon credits for certain types of planting and land management that sequester or reduce carbon consumption. But small growers, including off-gridders and allotment owners, are excluded from this cosy arrangement. The grants total tens of billions each year according to McKinsey, a consulting firm.

If you are a smallholder who wants to apply for your carbon credits, get in touch with us at off-grid.net, or leave a comment at the end of this story. We will collate all claims and submit them when there are enough to qualify.

In Britain, for example, farmers have two options – go green or go under. The calculation is simple – A farmer plants a wood, grows bigger hedgerows or tends the soil in a certain way, that sucks a certain number of tonnes of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

This is verified and the farm is then granted a certificate for how much CO2 it has absorbed, which can be sold to a business that needs to reduce its own carbon footprint.

The UK is not alone in this field, with similar initiatives under way in the US, the EU, Australia and New Zealand.

In eastern Australia, a vast area called the “mulga belt” is now home to a booming carbon trading industry that has netted 150 businesses at least $300m in less than a decade, according to official figures reported by the Washington Post.

Businesses should be looking to reduce their own emissions first, say experts, but carbon credits could help with any residual emissions, the ones that are difficult or impossible to remove.

Farms and landowners are well placed to help with this, as many actions they can take to improve their own operations will also cut carbon emissions.

Farmers can apply for carbon credits if they plant their fields with environmentally-approved crops. Small growers cannot. The amount seems small, only a £100 per Hectare in the UK and £168 for woodland, but to someone with a two Hectare smallholding who survives perfectly well on £10,000 a year, its a 2% pay rise, for doing what they were going to do anyway.

At the moment, UK farmers cannot participate in the British emissions trading scheme, although this may change soon with the Government having recently consulted on proposals to bring them in. But there is nothing to stop us all, every landowner, garden owner and allotment owner who wants to log-in to any online application form set up for farmers.

In the meantime, farms and others can participate in voluntary carbon trading markets. The two most established are the Woodland Carbon Code and the Peatland Code, both of which are recorded on the UK Land Carbon Registry.

The woodland code rewards landowners for planting trees, typically over a typical period of 30 to 40 years. It …

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Decarbonising the grid derailed by “thick, white, male plumbers”

Over 95% of plumbers are males in the USA and the UK; more than two-thirds are over 45 years old; two in five want to leave the industry in the next decade, according to a new report.
With high energy prices here to stay there is unprecedented demand for renewable heating and cooling installers
Image problems in plumbing could stop recruitment of people needed to install heat pumps
Replacing gas boilers and switching to heat pumps is a central tenet of the Inflation Reduction Act in the USA, and the UK Government’s ambitions to be carbon neutral by 2050

The installation will largely be done by upskilling current gas and oil boiler installers.
But almost all plumbers are middle-aged white men close to retirement, a report has found, raising concerns that there will not be enough competent installers to reach the UK Government’s goal of 600,000 heat pumps being installed every year by 2028.

In the USA there are thought to be approximately 120,000 plumbers and 50,000 certified heating engineers, but onlu 10% of them are thought to be trained in renewables.

A UK study by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), found that plumbers think recruiting young people is important but that “if the same recruitment practices and promotional activities continue within the sector, the pool of potential employees recruited to grow the sector may be restricted and the lack of diversity may persist”.
Mica May, co-director of Stopcocks Women Plumbers, told The Telegraph that the industry “is not presenting an attractive face” for prospective plumbers.
“If everyone goes to university the country will fall on its face,” she said. “You’ve got people saying ‘only thickos go into trades’ and young people don’t see the skilled aspect of it.
Majority of plumbers eye retirement
The BEIS report found that the plumbing workforce is 95 per cent white and at least 95 per cent male; more than two-thirds are over 45 years of age; and two in five want to leave the industry in the next decade, with the majority eyeing retirement.
“How can this sector become diverse and representative when it’s perceived as a well-paid dead-end?” Ms May added. “How can it attract enough quality workers to meet the need? This needs not only training, but real funding and a huge cultural shift.”
Kevin Wellman, CEO of the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering says “it’s going to be a massive stretch” to reach net zero goals with the current state of the workforce.
He said there are diversity initiatives in place, but that much more needs to be done to make plumbing an attractive proposition for young people from all backgrounds.
“We need to diversify, as well as recruit more of the currently dominant demographic,” he said. “The main challenge is to reach out to career officers to promote the benefits of the industry …

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