Secrets of happiness
A UK born Buddhist singer-songwriter explains why he is living in a yurt in the Spanish Pyrenees…
A UK born Buddhist singer-songwriter explains why he is living in a yurt in the Spanish Pyrenees…
Exclusive interview with founder of Lush cosmetics who funds protest groups others would not touch…
For many, their self image depended on consumption. now they no longer have money, they descend into wierdness. Long term the result of less consumption is a net benefit…
We are living through a massive extinction of species on Earth The true innocents are the planet’s endangered species.…
…are worth a thousand words, or so they say, I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of myself, I know that when I have been following someone else’s blog for a while, any time I can see a picture of the blog author, it’s a treat, so here’s my treat for you. Some of you have been following my ramblings for a year, some for not as long, either way, here I am, now you have a face to go with the words.…
Big Brother’s marketing men have appropriated the word ‘Green’ to help sell us more stuff — it’s time for a new word.…
…that you may not know about me. … This is a continuation of a list 100 things that you might not know about me. Well, let me start out by saying, YEAH I finally got my memory installed! I have waited a long time to get this memory, and I must say, it’s nice to have. …
… that you may not know about me. This is a continuation of a list 100 things that you might not know about me. With this being October, late October, nearly Halloween, so this should be pretty appropriate.…
Hey everyone, I have a Miss Manners type of question and would like your honest input. Here’s the situation, I am about to be going on a 9-10 hour car ride with my brother in law, he is driving me from the DFW area across Texas to my home, he is coming to stay with us to decide whether or not he would like to live out there. Here is the quandry, I know we will not be talking solidly for the whole time, I’m not much of a talker and neither is he, oh we will talk, just not the whole time. I have a MP3 player, I don’t listen to music on it, I listen to talk shows that I have downloaded, things that I’m pretty sure he would have no interest in listening to, would it be rude to pop in my earbuds and listen to my MP3 player while we are traveling? I don’t want to exclude him or make him feel like he is interrupting something if he wants to talk, at the same time, it’s a very long drive and there will be gaps of time, where there will most likely be little chit chat and I would like to catch up on some of my shows. It’s funny, I would have no problem reading a book or working in my Sudoku puzzle book, but I can’t do that while riding in a car, it makes me nauseated. So what do you think? How would you feel if you were on a long car trip and your passenger was listening to their MP3 player with headphones, would it bother you?
I suppose I’ll just play it by ear (pun intended) and see what happens, I’ll have my MP3 player ready, I have no idea how much chit chat will be going on, and if there are long pauses and it’s clear we will not be chatting, then maybe I’ll just ask if he minds if I listen with the understanding that I can turn it off any time…
If you want to participate in a small experiment and start on the road to improving your mind and body, before you read any more of this message, take a few minutes to write down a few goals you have (please tell me that you HAVE some goals! If not, it’s high time you did!), it can be a short list, but try to have at least 4 or 5 things on it, these can be personal, business or finance related, anything. Also write the time frame when you would like to achieve each goal, today? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? In the next year…? Whenever…
Writing them down is important, if you choose not to write them down, and try to just remember them, the experiment may be less effective.
Now, continue reading.
A big part of survival, in any situation, has to do with your mindset, what is going through your mind? What are you thinking? Are you mentally sabotaging yourself or are you doing yourself a favor? Before you think this is sounding like new age BS, or worse, think about it, the very thoughts you are thinking, on a daily basis does have a great effect on your mind and body. Unfortunately, many of us are playing rather negative “tape loops” in our heads without even realizing it, often these are long term tape loops that you may have been playing for most of your life, for example if you find yourself exposed to someone with the flu or some other contagious malady, what are you thinking? Is it, “Wow, I’m going to get sick now…” or are you thinking, “I’m NOT going go get sick…” or “I can’t afford to get sick now…”, which one do you think will do the best and which one will do the worst for you? What if I told you that NONE of those are good thoughts? Of course you should get that the first one is the worst one, you are accepting the fact that you will get sick, the second one is just as bad, and the third one is also not good. Why you ask are 2 and 3 bad? Because they are in fact NEGATIVE, just as negative as the first one. Your brain, that wonderful organ in your head that processes each and every thought we have, and dutifully goes about making what you think into reality, in this case it computes those last 2 statements as “I’m going to get sick“ and “I can get sick“, it hears “sick” and boom, you are very likely to get sick.
How can we change this? By simply changing the statement from a negative (not, can’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t…) into a POSITIVE statement (can, will, am…), like this: “I am healthy.” or “My immune system is strong.”, see how …
Style mag boss takes her 2nd home off-grid and makes her first home “more Hollywood.” Right.…
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