
2 of 100 Things…

… that you may not know about me. This is a continuation of a list 100 things that you might not know about me. With this being October, late October, nearly Halloween, so this should be pretty appropriate.

I enjoy listening to a late night radio program called Coast to Coast am (Wiki for C2C), I have listened to this program for years. In my previous life, pre-off-grid, when I had to work a regular job, I couldn’t stay up all night to listen to this show, I used to subscribe to the show and I received a download of the previous night’s program. I would listen to podcasts of the shows on my mp3 player. Now that I don’t “work”, well, not a regular job, two things have happened, without a steady income, I can’t justify paying a monthly fee to subscribe to C2C to get the podcasts, and the second thing is, without having a steady job, I CAN stay up late and listen to the shows I have an interest in. I don’t get into all of the shows, so there is no reason to listen to each show from every night.

What is this show? Well, it’s a combination of “things that go bump in the night”, hard science, fringe science, psychics, UFOs, ghosts, hauntings, paranormal, history, odd things, conspiracies, medical alternatives, astrology, astronomy, economics, time travel, politics, mysteries of all sorts, mythology, and much, much more.

I believe this is just another side of who I really am, I tend to be an alternative thinker, and living what most people would consider an alternative lifestyle (NO, not like that!), you have to admit that living in a homemade cabin, off-grid, pooing in a bucket qualifies as alternative living. :)

Well, this is another secret pleasure of mine, if you are interested in this sort of thing, or would just like to know what it is all about, you can go to C2C’s website and find out what radio stations broadcast the show, you can even listen on the internet if you can’t find a local radio station that broadcasts it. I listen here, KLIF. The show airs from Midnight until 4am (central time).

Happy Halloween everyone!


Click here for more of 100 Things

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