Travel Trailer/Redneck Games pt 2
Getting the trailer up the hill and past the boulders and trees was more challenging than we thought it would be, but when you have to do something, then you figure out a way to do it.…
Getting the trailer up the hill and past the boulders and trees was more challenging than we thought it would be, but when you have to do something, then you figure out a way to do it.…
It seems that "someone" is trying to prove that free range chickens are no better or possibly worse than caged chickens. …
It took 3 days, lots of sweat, nerves of steel, and a lot of that Archimedes factor to get a small travel trailer from one side of the creek to the other. Should be easy… that’s what I thought!…
…it’s coming to a station near you.
I’m not one for doom and gloom, though anyone starting a sentence with “I’m not one for doom and gloom…” probably has a bit of it on the brain. I don’t have a TV therefore I get very little in the way of news and such. A good thing as far as I’m concerned, who needs it! It’s generally full of D&G, dozens or more channels telling us how we evil humans are destroying the planet, global warming, bovine flatulence and such, while bombarding us with commercials and infomercials on the latest fashions, diet adverts and penile enhancements……
Homemade pasta, it’s easy, it’s cheap, it’s tasty, did I mention it’s cheap? I had found several recipes on line for homemade egg noodles, I had a pasta roller that I had purchased many years ago, I had the ingredients I needed, so why not give it a try? …
Before our big move off the grid, I did a lot of research to learn everything I could about living off-grid. I used the internet as my main source of information. I quickly found a great source of info at LaMar Alexander’s website. In following with my Off-Grid – On The Cheap message, this is a very practical, hands on approach to how to get off the grid without having to spend lots of money.…
It seems that the “green” (or brown) movement is growing faster and faster. It used to be the realm of unwashed hippies, tree huggers and other so called “degenerates” who lived off the grid, in the wild, on the fringes of society.
Lately, I keep reading about how more mainstream people are jumping in, purchasing solar panels, adding passive solar rooms, collecting rain water. I read about people who build $300,000+ green homes, that price doesn’t include the price of the land it sits upon! It’s all fine and dandy for those who have lots of readily available cash sitting around, or worse, they get loans to bankroll their ubergreen homes.…
Living off the grid, and on the cheap, requires sacrifices, you do give up some conveniences. Some of the things I didn’t have when I first moved to my off-grid home were running water, unlimited electricity, heating, much in the way of furniture, refrigerator, internet, phone, solid walls (grin)… and hot water.…
Being independent means doing things for yourself, seeing a need and instead of waiting for someone else to take care of it, the independent person would get creative and find a way to fill that need.I would like to introduce you to a wonderful lady and independent soul. Her name is Diane, I found her blog a couple of days ago and was thrilled at what I found.…
Canadian second home stays warm in winter – full details of the renewable energy setup.…
Inside story of the Utopia Experiment and why the volunteer recruits have taken over the project.…
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