

Tiny home in Hawaii

Tiny home in Hawaii

I think we can all appreciate Johnny Sanphillippo’s situation, he worked hard at a job he loved that unfortunately didn’t net him a large salary, of course if you were to ask him, I’m sure he would tell you that money isn’t the most important thing in the world, not something to run after at all costs.

Johnny cleaned houses, he painted homes and gardened for a living, he lived in California, there was no way he was going to be able to qualify for a mortgage on a home of his own, something he really wanted. He decided that going small would be the best thing for him, he purchased a lot in Hawaii and began working toward building a small home, one that he could afford, and one that allow him to retire later on without having to worry about having a pension or major money coming in.…

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Keeping it clean…


Hygiene while living off-grid, especially if you are living rough and/or just starting out, keeping clean can be one of the challenges. When PB and I first moved to our off-grid home, it was little more than a box on stilts, one room. We had a double sink on the “kitchen wall”, but it wasn’t hooked up to running water or even to a drain.…

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Another cool tiny home

They have zero debt, plus their heating and cooling bills are much lower.

If This House Doesn’t Look Like Much To You, Wait Til You Go Inside. I Love Everything About This.

After spending years in the rat race, with their lives revolving around paying a hefty mortgage, Andrew and Gabriella Morrison decided to call it quits. They bravely decided to downsize to save money and adjust their lives so they could focus on more important things than monthly bills.

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New golf cart batteries


Today was the first full day on the new batteries, we had everything hooked up to them, including the new chest freezer to refrigerator conversion, about a month (or so) ago our old one smoked on us, fortunately it happened during the day and I was there to catch it, it might not have gone any further, but as far as I’m concerned, when you see smoke, fire usually comes next. I’ll do another writeup on the new fridge very soon, until then you can read about how I DIY’d the conversion here and here.

Our previous batteries were marine type deep cycle batteries, I’ve been told on more than one occasion that those types of batteries aren’t true deep cycle batteries, in fact the newer ones being sold have cold cranking ratings on them instead of amp hours, and that has little (or nothing) to do with being deep cycle, that has to do with starting motors and such. Those are a hybrid of regular and deep cycle batteries, more robust than a standard car or truck battery but not as heavy duty as a true deep cycle battery.…

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Off-Grid hiccups


A while back my current deep cycle batteries began to get weak, they would charge up quickly and not hold much of a charge, unfortunately the batteries are the part of the off-grid system that need to be replaced on a semi-regular basis. I am hard on my batteries, that has never been a secret. This next week I plan on buying four 6-volt deep cycle golf cart batteries. In the past I have used marine type deep cycle batteries, they are more heavy duty than regular automotive batteries, but aren’t near as hearty as golf cart batteries.

As my current batteries began getting weaker and weaker, it began creating problems with my inverter, causing it to go into fault mode for a few seconds, meaning it would cut off the power during that time, it only did it during the day when the batteries were charging or fully charged, never at night, it took me a while to figure out where the problem was.…

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It’s garden time!


I grew up watching gardening shows on PBS, one of my favorites was the Victory Garden, and during pledge week, they would always have Howard Garrett and Jerry Baker on, I loved watching their easy but effective DIY fertilizers and pest control, Garrett Juice and Jerry Baker’s tonics are easy to make, easy to use and work! Over the years, I have made my own concoctions using a bit from both recipes, yeah I cook the same way…

Don’t tell anyone but urinating on your plants works too, you will have to dilute it to about a 10% solution, and no kidding, if you do use urine, don’t tell anyone, no one will want to eat from your garden :)…

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Dollar stores for preps

It’s been a while since I have written about cooking, food and recipes, if you follow me any at all, you know that food is very important to me. Perhaps it’s because I’m old enough to have had parents who grew up during the Great Depression. Perhaps it’s because growing up, we were on the poor side of the financial scale, while we never actually went hungry, there were times when food was scarce, my mother had to be very frugal and creative with what we had, I learned a lot from her.…

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Prepping for an Emergency – Home Disaster Guide

Thanks to Jessica Merritt for this comprehensive guide to surviving natural disasters. This is Part 1 -part 2 tomorrow.

Natural disasters affect every area of America, and no home is immune to the threat of emergencies. These disasters can threaten your property, even your life. And there are simple steps you can take to protect your home and family in the event of an emergency. We’ll share expert tips for preparing your home to survive tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and floods. Being prepared for natural disasters and emergencies can protect your property — and it just might save your life. Be ready by following our guide to natural disaster preparedness.

Emergency Preparedness Basics

For any emergency, you’ll need the basics: a plan and an emergency kit. Be ready for natural disasters with these tips that apply for any emergency.

Home emergency plan:

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Pioneer couple

I grew up watching Texas Country Reporter, back in the day it was called 4 Country Reporter, that’s when there were only a few TV stations to choose from, channel 4 was a Dallas TV station thus the name was born. This show began back in the early 70s and showcased Texans living simple yet interesting lives, TCR gave us a glimpse into the window of those wonderful people.…

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Update on being sick…

With my latest brush with a pretty major upper respiratory infection (URI), I made the decision to work on my stash of meds and educate myself as much as possible about what to take, how much and when to take it. One really REALLY good source of info is the ThePatriotNurse on YouTube. Chances are you already know about her, but if you don’t, or you haven’t visited her YouTube channel in a while, well you need to go there and check her out.…

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7 days without utilities


I continually talk about being prepared, and I mean for as many things as possible, while it’s not possible to be ready 100% for every possible scenario, it is possible to be ready for as many probabilities as you can. This guy LDSPrepper decided to test his preparation, he turned off his utilities for a week, water, electricity and gas, he video taped his experiences for that week.

The really cool thing about this was he didn’t get everything perfect before he started, he shut everything off as if it happened without warning, he had dirty dishes, his solar system wasn’t fully set up, he needed to water his garden…. After watching all the videos, it’s clear he has some work to do, but this was a really good run for him and I believe we can all learn something from this, I know he did.…

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