My good friend, an expert in Ecology and sustainable design, assisted at Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development hosted in Brazil this year. It was one of the largest and more important events concerning human development and sustainability.
He wasn´t very happy with the event and its results but he told me that there was just one talk that made the whole experience very powerful and this was the intervention from Uruguay´s president Mujica. (See the speech here)
So i searched for it on the Internet and found it incredible. One man speaking from the heart pointing out issues that are so essential for human beings that seem to be hiding from the common political dialogue going on in the world.
He makes the big questions about the fundamentals of our Economic system. Are we governing Globalization or Globalization is governing us? He asks… Is it possible to talk about sustainability in an economic model based on competition?
Amazing talk to reflect about it, one president who feels truly honest and awake.
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