
Renewable Energy Consultancy


As Renewable Energy technology matures, and moves from the garage to the corporate boardroom, its essential to have someone to guide you through the maze of competing products and regulations before you embark on a major energy initiative.

At Off-Grid we specialise in setting up fully future-proof systems for both off-grid and grid-tied situations.

And we have one or two special skills that normal consultancies are not even aware of.

Our advice is based on a careful study of the specific features of your property, as well as the energy needs of your home or business.

Our services include:

  • Energy saving measures
  • Advice on low energy appliances
  • Analysis of your energy and water use patterns
  • Design of an energy and water system to your specifications
  • Purchase and installation
  • Dealing with local planning or zoning issues
  • Business plans for disposing of your surplus energy
  • Installing food-growing as part of the energy and water plan
  • Advice on self-defence and armaments in off-grid situations
  • Off-Grid real estate acquisition and planning
  • Off-Grid community development

Our consultants all either live off-grid or have done so in the past. They range from fully qualified structural engineers able to advise on the most complex corporate installations, to local enthusiasts who can help you build your off-grid home or retreat.

Contact us now for a general discussion or initial site visit:

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In Europe:             +44 7971 543703

Or Email:               consult@off-grid.net

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