All you need to go off-grid


Learn to love what you already have

Learn to love what you already haveGoing off-grid also means living in a simpler manner, learning to be free.
In this article we’ll give you tips on how to love what you already own.
1.You don’t need something that doesn’t benefit anyone else
You know that figurine you bought last year and now is on your shelf covered in dust? As it happened, you didn’t needed it! Think before buying something, if it’s really going to affect your every day life in a positive way.
2. You don’t need something that causes debt
If you want to be free, getting into debt is definitely not the way go. The more stuff we buy, the bigger our debt gets. If we learn to love what we already have, then we’ll be happier without needing to accumulate more possessions.
3. You don’t need anything that makes you want more
They is some stuff in life that satisfies some of our needs, but other stuff just creates more needs, and we never have enough. Have you ever purchased something and realized you need a few other items to go with it? Like a few decoration items that would be perfect if they went with another couple of things?


4. You don’t need things that make you forget what’s important
When you de-clutter your environment, you begin to realize what is truly important to you. Many times, possessions can cloud your judgment. The very act of deciding what things you can live without forces you to take a deeper look at your inner motivations.
Loving what you already have can be challenging. However, every time I remember these five things, it is easier for me to find contentment with my life. Loving what I already own has led me to a minimal, happier lifestyle.


Loving what you already have can be challenging. However, every time I remember these five things, it is easier for me to find contentment with my life. Loving what I already own has led me to a minimal, happier lifestyle.

4 Responses

  1. I grew up in southern WV living this way. We had an outhouse, no indoor plumbing for many years and then only cold running water and still no indoor bathroom, and before that drew our water from our own well. We bathed in a big washtub with water heated on the stove, and we did have electricity. We used a coal stove for heat for many years, until we got a fuel oil stove for heat. We got one channel on our TV, the local TV station, and on bad weather days it was a challenge to watch! It can be a more challenging way of life, but the satisfaction and calm of every day living is so worth it. I would go back to this way of life in a heartbeat if I could make it happen. Unfortunately, even getting OUT of the “rat race” costs money.

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