KT Tunstall – wants to be cool
A worldwide PR effort to reduce personal carbon emissions was launched in London last week fronted by Josh Hartnett and KT Tunstall. Governments and big business love this kind of sucky greenwash because it diverts attention from their failings. Global Cool says it is about watching how much energy you’re using, how many tonnes of carbon emissions that adds up to. “You. Not your government, or your recycling-averse neighbour you,” Global Cool says. It encourages people to “stop criticising and use less energy. ” We say keep criticising – its the energy use of governments and business that makes the biggest difference
They ve certainly assembled a cast of celebrities as well as environmental scientists to promote the cause. The London launch had actor Josh Hartnett promoting Prius cars (is he being paid we wonder?) and multi-platinum selling singer-songwriter KT Tunstall, though Global Cool insists the use of stars is not an ego-massaging exercise. They try to involve “those who have already shown their dedication to the cause.”
Hartnett spoke about his transition from Prius-driving pariah in 1999 to environmentalist: I was living in Minnesota, which is hardly the coolest place in the world, and I was driving around in a Prius and getting funny looks. Now everyone wants one and they can’t get them, though modestly added, I’m just trying to do my best and if everyone wants to follow suit then that’s cool.
KT took it upon herself to do something about the massive amount of carbon emissions due to manufacture and transportation of her records and she’s sold over 3.6 million. Not an easy task, but she says that some things can be done, especially if you portray inaction as un-cool and unacceptable. She now tours in a bio-diesel fuelled bus, prints on recycled paper, and through these and other small measures claims she has managed to offset the entire CO2 emissions of her US tour. That includes fans transport to and from shows.
The launch was followed on Wednesday with a trip to Downing Street with Stephen Fry, Jane’s Addiction frontman Perry Farell, Queen members Brian May and Roger Taylor joining Josh, KT, and Global Cool founder Dan Morrell. Tony Blair and Environment Minister David Milliband lent their support to the campaign, with Milliband commending Global Cool on encouraging the individual to make a big difference.
For more details, tips and news check out the Global Cool website.