Gas generators are a power option

Cummins gas generators were launched last year and already their installations power the equivalent of 52,000 homes.  The HSK78G offers reliable power off the grid. For a remote textile manufacturer in Pakistan, as well as a hauliers  and storage company based in the U.K., Cummins is providing robust  off-grid power, coupled with  electrical efficiency of up to 44.2%.

Peaking power and grid parallel applications

Suited to peaking power applications, gas generators can be used as back-up power systems, supporting the grid during times of high demand, as well as offsetting the fluctuations of renewable power sources such as wind and solar energy. Working with TMS Grid Ltd., an engineering and consultancy company based in the U.K., 10 HSK78G units will provide a total of 20MW of uninterruptible backup power. Alongside the product’s high efficiency, the generators’ Grid Code Compliance (GCC) certification enabled TMS Grid Ltd. to demonstrate compliance to the G99 U.K. requirements. Additionally, the HSK78G units meet the latest emissions limits set by the new medium combustion plant directive (MCPD) removing the need for exhaust aftertreatment systems, which in turn offers a lower total cost of ownership.

A further 11 units have recently been installed in a hybrid power station based in Western Australia, offering a total of 22MW installed capacity. With a mix of solar, wind and battery technology, the HSK78G generator models will be used to stabilise the power supply, providing fewer voltage and frequency disturbances and faster recovery times.

With increased demand for low-carbon power generation, organisations across all industries are seeking alternative sources of energy to reduce their carbon footprint whilst providing a reliable and robust performance. To meet this need, Cummins invested heavily in expanding its gas range, launching the HSK78G gas generator range in March 2019.

With a power density of up to 2MW, Cummins lean-burn gas generators are designed to provide reliable power for a diverse set of industries from mining and manufacturing, to shopping malls and hospitals. With fuel flexibility across the range, HSK78G generators use natural, low-cost, low-BTU, free fuel sources that would otherwise be considered waste products.

‘We’re seeing increased interest from a diverse range of industries, all of which are considering the switch to low-carbon alternatives for power generation. With market-leading thermal efficiency at 47.1% and 2110 kW of thermal output for heating, cooling and steam generation, the generator series provides significant environmental benefits. They can also run in parallel with combined heat and power (CHP) systems, which can convert 70-90% of the energy of the fuel that is burned into useful electricity or heat, further increasing sustainable credentials,’ said Ann-Kristin deVerdier, Cummins Energy Management Executive Director.

The HSK78G has been successfully installed across a wide range of applications, from horticultural, logistics and manufacturing operations, through to providing gas power for power stations and backup power to the National Grid.

‘We’ve worked hard to develop a solution that meets market expectations of performance, uptime and running costs, while also meeting the need to reduce emissions. The HSK78G generator series provides reliable power no matter how extreme the fuel source or operating conditions for both prime and peaking power applications,’ added deVerdier.

The power of cogeneration

The generator has proven itself in a number of prime power applications, most notably for combined heat and power (CHP) application recently accomplished for Varegro, a Belgian horticultural company. With a total return greater than 100%, the company was able to meet all its energy needs, including lighting, CO2 recuperation and hot water requirements, all whilst producing sufficient excess power to sell it back to the national grid.

Elsewhere, an agricultural industry in the U.S. has selected Cummins to provide a cogeneration system, which will supply 2MW of continuous power to a greenhouse. The HSK78G 60Hz installed generator set is designed to run in grid-parallel mode offering a high electrical efficiency of up to 43.5%, which will provide higher fuel savings to the customer.

In Myanmar, Cummins will be supplying eight HSK78G units to Petro & Trans, a petrochemical company operating as a retailer and wholesaler with a large distribution footprint, which will be installed across two of its power plants, offering a total of 16MW of power. The power generated will be used to feed power to the national grid, providing significant financial benefits to the company.

Visit the Cummins HSK78G gas generator series webpage for more information.

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