All you need to go off-grid


Energy Saving

There are simple things you can do to decrease the energy consumption off-grid in your house, shack, tree-house, campervan or boat. Energy efficiency is easy.

Seal windows to reduce drafts and loss of heat.

If you heat the house with electricity, turn down the thermostat.

For hot water too, water doesn’t need to be scalding.

Swap your old boiler for an energy efficient one, and get a jacket for your hot water tank.

Turn off the tap or plug your sink when using hot water.

Set your fridge and freezer to optimal temperature, not too cold.

Switch to energy saving light bulbs  they might be more expensive than normal ones (about 5) but they’ll last much longer and will save you a lot of electricity.

And of course, switch off the lights and appliances when you’re not using them.

Info on energy efficiency, where to buy energy efficient appliances
Contact details of your local energy efficiency advisor
Info on energy efficient boilers
More energy efficiency tips

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