Better off? The Brende family
John Locke, whose philosophy influenced the US Constitution, introduced the notion of individual rights and individual property to its pre-eminent place in Western political thought.
According to Eric Brende in his fascinating book Better Off Flipping the switch on Technology, Locke’s approach had the unintended consequence of raising property, and hence technology, to the same legal status as people, with rights and responsibilities of their own. As a result we have become enslaved by the technology we created.
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Logically this argument is flawed, but that does not matter since it is Brende’s intellectual journey we are interested in, rather than Locke’s. Whatever the reason, we have become enslaved by some aspects of our technological existence. Brendes course in the sociology of technology at MIT leads him on an experiment, to go live in a back-to-the earth religious movement in Maine and see how little technology he really needs to enjoy life to the full.…