Nick: winter in California Nick Rosen has started work on his next book “Off-Grid America.” He is currently in California meeting the eco-community. From San Diego he travels to Ukiah via the Bioneers conference San Rafael — then up to Ashland, Oregon.
As belts tighten across the continent Nick is also filming a documentary about how going off-grid can help you survive the credit crunch. Its all about freedom – and combining new technology with ancient wisdom,” he says.
you can contact Nick to be included in the research, or make any suggestions. Call 1-877-706-7423 or write to The book will be published Sumer 2010 and the film will be released around the same time.
2 Responses
I live in Lower Lake, Lake Co. I have invented a water saving advice that will help people living off the grid and many others. I don’t have much money for advertising. I am hoping you will help me get the word out about my device. Below is the url to our site and some info that might not be on our site yet.
I’m also, looking for free talent of all kinds to be part of the UTUBE video we are going to make to promote our divce. Please, send anyone interested to me. Please, have them email me. Even pet tricks :-) Thank you.
The cost for each unit now is $150.00. We expect the price will come down as soon as we get a customer base that will support buying parts in larger quantities. Once a person has bought one, they will get money back for each new, buying, customer they send us … indefinitely! The potential is there, not only to eventually get all of their own money back, but to make a profit! There is a one-year warranty. If any problems with any unit occur, the unit is replaced, unconditionally. Product lifetime is expected to be at least 10 years, most likely much longer.
Thank you.
Hope all is well with you,
Joanna Wolf
J. Wolf, Pres.,
Wolf-Barrows Corporation
Hi Nick, my name I Bevan and I read your last book and enjoyed it very much. I live as off-grid as possible here in Southern California and I encourage your travels across this vast land in pursuit of fellow off-grider’s. I was amazed to find so many people living of grid in the UK and I think you’ll be spoiled for chose as to how many there are here. A hint though; in America they sometimes like to call themselves libertarians, with most of those hiding in Montana. Amish country could also be worth looking into; Michigan and Pennsylvania is where you’ll find that.
Good luck and I look forward to reading your next book.