

Justin’s just lovin’ his greens

‘Sexyback’ singer Justin Timberlake this week re-opened his luxury ‘eco-friendly’ golf course in Memphis Tennessee  after investing millions of dollars on an environmental upgrade.

Note that’s ‘eco-friendly’ not ‘zero-impact’ or even ‘low-impact.

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Can advertising save the world?

Advertising is arguably responsible for more damage to our planet than any other human activity. More than manufacturing. More even than oil and coal extraction. That’s because the £900 billion or so spent every year on advertising and marketing across the world fuels our desire for ‘stuff’ and keeps the consumerist flames  burning bright.
But it is possible that advertising may soon shrug off its reputation as the bad guy when it comes to global warming. Just as advertising has been a major contributor to the world’s environmental problems, could it soon become a major part of the solution to those problems? Instead of destroying the world, can advertising help save it?

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UK elects first Green MP

Caroline Lucas the UK’s new Green MP — her performance in the next parliament will be crucial to the wider acceptance of Green politicians.

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Low-tech medical revolution

Vinegar, a salad spinner and a toilet plunger are some of the everyday materials being used in a low-tech medical revolution that is transformomg healthcare off-grid and in the third world.
The new developments come as a reaction to the increasing complexity of modern medical technology which is not only expensive, but can only work in large centralised hospitals. Great if you live in a city. Not so great if you live in the boondocks, or in a country without medical infrastructure.

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Government grants create turbine debacle

The UK Government’s energy conservation watchdog has admitted that consumers were duped by inappropriate grants into buying wind turbines that never stood a chance of working properly.

In an attempt to ensure that there is no repeat of the wind turbine debacle, the Energy Savings Trust, funded by Government and big energy companies, has embarked on the first large-scale trials aimed at providing definitive information on the performance of different green technologies in the UK.

The first trial concluded that an unknown amount of government cash has been wasted encouraging urban consumers to buy wind turbines when no one really knew whether they were effective or not.

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Big Power’s green energy scam blocked

The UK power regulator has introduced a new certification scheme aimed at stopping power companies from marketing ‘green’ tariffs that arent really green.

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