Some of you will be reading this at your desk at which you spend 8 hours a day, just to pay the bills and mortgage. Some will stare at our off-grid memes, posted on our Facebook page just wishing they could trade in their current situation for something a little more extraordinary. But if you were given the chance, would you be brave enough to take the leap of faith?
Author Vanessa Run has done just that. She studied Journalism and went on to work in various media companies, but the work bored her and she realized that ‘living for the weekend’ was not living at all. Her current book is on escaping the rat race for an off-grid lifestyle, close to nature in a campervan traveling around the picturesque beauty New Zealand has to offer.
Writer Nick Rosen has also published his own book, How To Live Off-Grid, in which he embarked a similar journey in a campervan.
Nick has also made short films all over the world about off-grid homes and the people who built them.
Enough about other people, we want to know about you. How do you live?
Can you send us a video? Or some still photos? Have you tried to live unplugged from the grid? Did you ditch your job for a mountain top cabin and a simpler life?
We want to hear from you!
Write to us at
Your name*
You don’t have to use your real name, just tell us what you would like us to call you
Who are you?* Where do you live, how old are you, are you living alone, in a family or in a group etc, do you work.*
What do you do?* What job do you (or did you) have?
Your unplugging story*
How did you do it?*
Where did you go and why?
How has it changed your life?*
Do you plan on moving back?
Tell us about your new life
so how remotely do you live? Tell us your daily routine)
Please add a photo or video if you think it will add to your story
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Can we publish your response?*
Contact details
Please provide a telephone number or email. This will be kept confidential but we may contact you to ask you to contribute to our coverage.
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