
Update on Pekoe

My Dad and I took Pekoe to the vet this morning, I had to have her there between 8 and 8:30 am. Once we got there, and got her checked in, I carried Pekoe back to a little room full of cages, I placed her in one, kissed her on top of the head, and left, it was hard to do, but I knew it would be for the best. They told me to come back around 4:30 to pick her up.

We drove back home and waited. Around 3:45 we left to go back and pick her up. One of the assistants carried her back to me, Pekoe looked so pitiful, she was droopy eyed, well just droopy all over. But she was glad to be back with me. We paid the bill, that one came to about $107, so all total the bill was around $200, again I want to thank everyone who donated, it came in very handy and is very much appreciated.

On the way back to the truck, I set Pekoe on the ground to see if she would want to potty, she couldn’t even stand up yet, so I set her on a towel in my lap and came on home. It’s been a few hours and she is still droopy looking, but she wagged her tail at me so that is a good sign that she is OK. I know the next few days will be difficult for her, they pulled 6 teeth, an assortment of molars and other teeth, I’ll wait for a few days (or longer) to look in her mouth to see exactly which ones are gone. The lady at the front desk said Pekoe could eat as early as tonight if she wanted to, I expect it will be tomorrow before she will want to eat. Right now Pekoe is curled up on our bed resting.


3 Responses

  1. Thanks everyone! Pekoe is healing up nicely, she is eating more normally now, and is getting back to her usual perky self again. I expect it will be a few more days before she is really normal again, she is well on her way.


  2. Hi there, I hope little Pekoe is feeling a bit better today. I have had to leave my pup at the vets a few times and it is NEVER easy. My weimie, AKA the “German Bed Rat” (if I could download photos of her in my bed that would be a lot funnier!) swallowed a apricot sized rock and had to have surgery. I was a basket case! lol
    I am sure Pekoe will be his old self in no time, just give him lots of cuddies and a warm lap!

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