NBC sports has come out with an appalingly sexist story naming its choice of the top “sexy and green” twitteristas.

The list of female tweeters with their Twitter addresses range from an LA socialite to a British anti-corporate campaigner.
Kelly Drennan, @ecofashionista
Ecofashion activist and founder of Fashion Takes Action
Location: Toronto
Sample Tweet:
RT @SUGARMOONSALON: Body Sugaring: 100% natural, no double dip, no strips, completly sanitary, prevent ingrown hairshttps://bit.ly/18wE83
Sheila V. Flores, @EcoGlamourista
The latest in sustainable fashion, beauty and lifestyle.
Location: New York City
Sample Tweet:
Cool ecofriendly electronics!…RT @ModernEcoHomes.https://bit.ly/bJd5g
Whitney Lauritsen, @ecovegangal
Eco-friendly, vegan, filmmaker
Location: Los Angeles
Sample Tweet:
Save over 50% on food by eating healthy :https://tinyurl.com/y8wz5vd
Hillary Newman, @ecowarrior
On the hunt for whats hot and fresh in the Green Space.
Location: Los Angeles
Sample Tweet:
A must-read, ‘Forking Fantastic!: Put the Party Back in Dinner Party’- https://bit.ly/v0hQ3
Stefanie, @focusorganic
self declared geek and greenie nature lover
Location: St. Louis
Sample Tweet:
Crazy fact – Every year we make enough plastic film to shrink-wrap the state of Texas.
Summer Rayne Oakes, @sroakes
Adventurer for social good. Entrepreneur. Model-activist. Host on Discovery Network’s Planet Green.
Location: New York City
Sample Tweet:
Gucci cuts carbon footprint by banning these bags!https://bit.ly/13OYYE
Olivia Zaleski, @OliviaZaleski
CNN host
Location: New York City
Sample Tweet:
WOMEN WHO AMAZE ME: @ZainabSalbi, Founder and CEO of Women for Women Internationalhttps://www.womenforwomen.org/
Nicole McCallum, @NikkiJade
cofounder of TheGreenRocket
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Sample Tweet:
Interesting, albeit economically flawed–Scroogenomics: bad gifts cost the world economy $25-billionhttps://tinyurl.com/yc8v8uz
Siel, @greenLAgirl
Environmental blogger and writer in SoCal
Location: Santa Monica
Sample Tweet:
Hard plastic, soft men: BPA linked to male sexual dysfunctionhttps://bit.ly/46uDmi #fb
2 Responses
I love sexism!!!
am i missing something? i thought the term “hottie” referred to ATTRACTIVE women.