Tasmanian Winery

 winery self sufficient
Fiona Weller – unplugged her business

Increasing number of businesses are unplugging.

Tasmanian Wine label Moores Hill recently installed a multi-million-dollar on-site processing facility powered by 108 solar panels, making it the state’s first off the grid winery.

Winery director Tim High was excited to test it out this vintage. “It’s off the grid in terms of electricity, it’s off the grid in terms of water, it’s off the grid in terms of effluent treatment,” he said.

“Basically, this is a standalone, 100 per cent, self-sustained Tasmanian winery.”

Co-owner Fiona Weller said the winery will open the processing facility to visitors as a tourist attraction.

“We can take them out into the vineyard, they can taste grapes and then they can come into the winery and see grapes being fermented and taste wine from the tank,” she said.

“While the investment… is large, over the long term it’s a very positive investment.”

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