
Snow on the Sky Castle

2015-01-22 14.19.26 - Copy

One of the things I enjoy about the area where we live is we get all kinds of weather, even some extremes, but none of it lasts very long, our winters are mild compared to the rest of the country. We get snow a few times a winter, it’s usually a few inches and doesn’t last very long, it’s just enough to turn all of us into children again.

Last week we had such an event, fortunately I didn’t have to venture out in my vehicle and was able to stay home and enjoy the snow while it lasted. Our biggest “problem” during such times is making sure we have enough wood to burn in the woodstove to keep warm. PB kept us well stocked and kept the Sky Castle toasty warm.

2015-01-22 13.31.00
A freshly cut pile of wood, I love the one that looks like a heart…


I went out into the snow laden yard and snapped quite a few pictures, I have saved the best ones for you, hope you enjoy. :)

2015-01-22 13.18.22
It always amazes me how a blanket of snow can turn even a pile of junk (building materials to us) into something pretty….


2015-01-22 13.19.10
One of my favorite views toward the west, the “rock” in the background is a plug from an ancient volcano.


2015-01-22 13.19.27
Little Zoe, I find it interesting that I think of her as a white dog, but against the snow, she has a yellow cast.


2015-01-22 13.24.32
The Sky Castle from the main foot traffic entrance.


2015-01-22 13.26.16
This is actually my neighbor’s yard with his bridge.



2015-01-22 13.31.29
The trees take on a magical look with that dusting of snow.


2015-01-22 13.31.34

2015-01-22 14.18.00
Another view of that volcanic plug a few hours later with more snow.


2015-01-22 14.18.59
This is my mountain, it goes up a lot higher than it looks from here.


2015-01-22 14.20.07
Some random bits of hardware that take on an extraordinary look with its blanket of snow.


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