
Sizing your solar, batteries and inverter

batteries, charge controller, inverter, solar panels - the key ingredients at the right price
Dustin shows his own home power set=up
Thanks to Dustin Real for this video just added to our YouTube Channel. His solar power video is a complete solar power primer and explains to people how to size each component of their system; batteries, PV array size, charge controller and inverter.

Its full of really practical tips on what kit to buy when setting up your Solar array, and how much to spend.

Dustin and his wife recently quit their careers, moved to the country, started new jobs and an off-grid life.

They are living in a pole barn, camper/military tent right now while they build their home.

Dustin built a water catchment system and off-grid solar power system so far.

Dustin says: “I am not a solar power guy by trade so much of what I learned was from multiple sources on youtube, rv forums, off-grid forums and trial and error by my brother and I. This video should help people build a small/medium off-grid solar system step by step.”

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