
Sienna Miller greenwash

Sucky Sienna Miller
Sienna Miller: no integrity

Latest sucky eco-celebrity to come to our attention is so-called actress Sienna Miller, interviewed on the BBC talking up her campaign with Global Cool, a PR service for celebrity Econazzis. Faced with questions about her own carbon footprint, Miller had no answer, and although the Econazzi web site leapt to her defence, saying she “did a decent job standing her ground on the issue.” Hello? ‘I can’t avoid flying,’ Miller said, surprised to have been asked the question. Oh really, Is this because her planet-saving work so important that we must make a special exception for her?

She went on: ‘But I can start taking less baths.’ Well, that’s going to save the planet, isn’t it? A slightly smellier Sienna. Just so long as she doesn’t have to do anything substantial, like cutting back on her jet-setting lifestyle (was that holiday in Ibiza for work? Or what about her Australian beach jaunt less than a week later?).


The Global Cool rpeosnse was to say that “Sienna explained that she does fly and that, as an actress very much en vogue in Hollywood, this is unavoidable.

“At Global Cool, we do not ask the impossible of those who join us. We merely ask that they make small, positive changes, to give our generation and those that follow a chance.

you can’t help thinmking that if Sienna Miller stopped emitting so much hot air, the world might be a cooler place.

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