Shipping container homes


As more and more people look for easy and inexpensive ways to create their own housing, one good method people have discovered are shipping containers. These are inexpensive and relatively easy to find and have delivered, with a just a little forethought one can use one of more of these above ground, or below ground to create a great living space.

Some of these are rustic, others are technological feats, looking more like a piece of art than a living space. It’s up to you how you wish to finish it, here are some examples of what other people have done with their shipping container homes.

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8 Responses

  1. Sorry Wretha, thanks for telling me about turning off my ad blocker. no i can read and view some of the story about this really
    cool and alternative way, and from what i can tell, cheap way to build a home from shipping containers :)

    dahszil dahszil

  2. continued from first comment: who were the person(s) who built it, did they tap a water well, what they do with sewage, can you get a loan from a bank to build a shipping container home, any mass transit a couple miles away by bicyle or foot, any solar colectors, any other alternative energy for this very nice looking(but not pretentious, home…etcetera etctera

    btw, why did you give me an cranky avatar? I mean if you don’t want some constructive criticism or tell me where i’m mistaken you’ll(or any person or group of persons) never grow into something better.

    1. Glad you came back Dahszil :)

      Sorry about your cranky avatar, believe me I don’t choose them, but you can change it by going here

      As far as the rest of the info about the people in the video, you can click on the “watch on YouTube” link in the videos, that will take you to their video on YouTube, you can ask them all the questions you have from there. I don’t know these folk, I just thought their videos were interesting and incorporated it in this article.

      Hope this helps, and thanks for your comments, I appreciate it :)


    2. Dahszil,

      As far as getting a bank loan for building a container home, I don’t know anything about that sort of thing, my hubby and I went off-grid all on our own, used some savings and did everything on the cheap, didn’t use a bank or go into debt. I believe that it’s harder to get a mortgage or conventional loan to build an unconventional home, there may be other avenues, other types of loans you could get, but I don’t know enough about the subject to talk about it. Hope you are able to get what you want…


  3. It would be a lot better if there was a story to this house, how it was built, where get the shipping containers, what else you need like need for soldering to patch up leaks and cost, insulation, water supply, heating, sewage etc total cost etc

    1. Dahszil,

      Is it possible you are using an ad blocker? If so, that is probably why you aren’t seeing the entire story, with the ad blocker you will only see the first part of the story, disable it on this site and you will see much more, including several videos showing lots of info on these container homes.


  4. Wow- Cool idea. I’d wondering about how expensive it might be to set one up to use it as an office.. how to insulate it, hook it up to septic, put in electricity and plumbing etc.. sorry I’m so naive — I just was forwarded your website. I live in western NC mtns.. very mild summers and very cold, long winters.. but would like this to face that may help :-) Thanks for any info/pointers.. Bonnie G

  5. Think about insulated lorry ‘boxes’ or trailers too. I’ve seen videos on Youtube, were they’re used as housing, cabins etc.. Just a thought.

    Have a swell day, K.

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