My Dad made it in yesterday! He left the DFW area about 8 am and made it in here just before 6pm, pretty good timing. I was at the store, he just drove on up to the store and stayed there with me for the hour I had left, he even got to meet a couple of the locals before the store closed. I am so glad he is here, I have missed him a lot.
It’s been raining for the last few days, we still have another month or so of the rainy season, I’ll have some more pix to upload soon of the creek running and the other things that are going on.
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2 Responses
Yeah, my Dad and I are really close, I really REALLY hope to talk him into moving out here.
As far as the power goes, no not much sun to charge the batteries, we have just been VERY frugal with the electricity, so far we haven’t run out, I suppose we generate a little power from the cloudy and semi-cloudy days.
With all the rain, what are you doing for power? Are the panels giving at least a small charge?
Daddies and daughters have a special relationship. I know I love my dad immensely. :-)