All you need to go off-grid



Today was such a fun day, I was at the country store (as is usual for a Saturday), we closed early today because of the P A R T Y! The store owner planned a big party for the community, it was held behind the store at the RV park. We had 10 smoked briskets, hot dogs, snow cones, drinks, beer and wine. The entire community was invited, (there are less than 200 full time residents), I estimate about 100 people showed up.

…I feel such a part of this community…
  I felt so comfortable, I actually mingled…

Now please understand, back in my “old life”, I didn’t go to parties as a general rule, and when I did, I was the one hiding in the background, talking to only a few people and generally feeling uncomfortable and out of place. Out here, that was a different story, I feel such a part of this community, and being at the store (the heart of this community), I felt so comfortable, I actually mingled, I went from group to group talking, visiting, hanging around and having such a good time! We had live music, all very good, the food was good and the company was great! Nearly everyone I know out here attended.

I don’t drink, I have nothing against it, I just don’t like the taste of wine, beer or spirits, and I’m not really interested in drinking something I don’t like just to get drunk, I wish I could just bypass the drinking part and go straight to drunk, well, not really, but anyhoo, drinking and getting drunk is not my personal thing. That being said, I took advantage of the wine collection that was being served and the wine expert manning the table to try a glass of wine, I went up to her and told her I know nothing about wine, don’t drink it, but wanted to try it and asked her what she recommended,

…I had a brisket sandwich
  with BBQ sauce,, onions and tomato……

she asked me what I was eating, I had a brisket sandwich with BBQ sauce, onions and tomato, she pulled out a white zinfandel wine and gave me a taste, it was ok, most likely the only one of the bunch I would have been willing to drink, (I have tried that before) and it did go pretty well with the sandwich. It may have been a very good wine, however I didn’t go back for more, I drank that one and went back to water and soft drinks.

Bob showed up about half an hour into the festivities, we were dressed alike, it was so cute, we both wore digital camo pants, though the rest was different, he wore a black t-shirt and combat boots, I had a girly shirt and sneakers, but it was clear that we were together because of our matching pants. It was great to see Bob smoozing with everyone too, he has gotten to know nearly as many people as I do out here, but since he is not as the country store as often as I am, he doesn’t get to chat with as many people as I do, it was a good time for him to connect with the neighborhood some more.

Shortly after it got dark, the party had come to an end, there were a few diehards left behind, we stayed and offered to help cleanup, but was told we could go if we wanted to, so we said goodbye to everyone else and took off. We drove back to the house and had to walk in the dark to the house, neither one of us remembered to bring a flashlight (do’h!), the moon wasn’t up yet, so it was pretty dark, but we carefully picked our way across the creek and up the hill with no problems.

The party went very well, no one got rowdy or loud, I didn’t notice any drunken activity, it was just a nice, happy, well fed group of people having a good time. One good thing, the rain held off, we were worried about Dolly getting us, and it IS the rainy season out here, yesterday it rained pretty heavy, but it cleared off today, the sun came out and dried everything out (ie no mud hole), it rained just a little bit ago, sounded like a good rain too, perfect ending to a perfect day.




b16-rounded-4008479 The Scavenger said…

Wretha, you Party Animal!! Sounds like a great time. I used to love get togethers like that but shy away now. In my old life I spent more time in the spotlight than I wanted and I’m happy to let everyone else have their turn. Glad Bob had a chance to mingle, it’s good for all of us to stay in contact with our neighbors. Chris

July 27, 2008 4:36 PM


b16-rounded-4008479 Michael said…

Sounds like a heck of a shindig! I was wondering about Dolly and if she had given you much rain in your area. I actually noted yesterday on that Marfa had the lowest temps in Texas, 60F-82F! Meanwhile, across the state we’re baking with high humidity and expecting 102F today. I can’t wait to move to our small community and get to know people there … it will be nice. Keep u the good work — the blog looks great!!! :-)

July 28, 2008 8:31 AM



b16-rounded-4008479 Wretha said…

Thanks Michael and Chris, it was quite fun and quite different for us. Can’t wait for the next one. :) Wretha

July 28, 2008 2:03 PM


b16-rounded-4008479 Marie said…
It sounds like you have close-knit community–it’s nice that everyone has the opportunity to be included. I’m glad that Dolly didn’t ruin the fun!

July 28, 2008 7:13 PM


b16-rounded-4008479 Kenneth H. said…
Community does sound good.. I hope you had a great time!

July 28, 2008 8:57 PM

8 Responses

  1. Thank you for your feedback on my blog. I like your design, the header looks great. I grew up in Utah and want to retire in a cabin of my own one day.

  2. Marie Thanks, I feel very lucky to be a part of this community.

    Kennith Thanks, we did have a great time.

    Riverwalker Actually it’s a new tradition, it was our first annual rainfest, glad it didn’t live up to it’s name! Yup, completely forgot the flashlight, normally I make darn sure we have one if there is even the slightest chance it may be dark when we get home, this time however, I was at the store all day, when it was quitting time, I walked behind the store to go to the party, didn’t go home before the party, yeah, I completely forgot about putting the flashlight in the car that morning… No moon either, I do carry a UV LED light on my keyring, between that and Bob’s lighter, we made it home ok, not the best way though… LOL


  3. Sounds like everyone had a good time. That’s great. People don’t get together like they used to and I’m glad y’all are keeping the tradition going.


    BTW, No flashlight? Oh, I get it you were practicing your night vision. Ha Ha!

  4. It sounds like you have close-knit community–it’s nice that everyone has the opportunity to be included. I’m glad that Dolly didn’t ruin the fun!

  5. Sounds like a heck of a shindig! I was wondering about Dolly and if she had given you much rain in your area. I actually noted yesterday on that Marfa had the lowest temps in Texas, 60F-82F! Meanwhile, across the state we’re baking with high humidity and expecting 102F today.

    I can’t wait to move to our small community and get to know people there … it will be nice. Keep u the good work — the blog looks great!!! :-)

  6. Wretha, you Party Animal!! Sounds like a great time. I used to love get togethers like that but shy away now. In my old life I spent more time in the spotlight than I wanted and I’m happy to let everyone else have their turn. Glad Bob had a chance to mingle, it’s good for all of us to stay in contact with our neighbors.

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