Paper cannot only beautify your walls but also make it cozier in your home as well. With cellulose insulation you get added warmth and noise reduction.
Cellulose insulation is a great way to insulate your entire home. It has a R value on par and exceeding common fiberglass insulation and it remains consistent at a greater temperature range. Which keeps the heat out in the summer, but in in the winter. Loose-fill fiberglass can lose up to half its R-value at 20°F below zero, cellulose insulation performs at a higher R-value at 20°F below than it does at 70°F. According to the findings of tests conducted by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. So that when your insulation needs are highest you get the best performance.
Added benefits of cellulose insulation is it’s increased fire resistance, 22-55%, life of the product, usually life of home, non-toxic, look for salt additives only, and increased noise reduction. Noise reduction is at 90% absorbed, that made the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) approve it for sound control material for homes located near airports and flight paths.
Since cellulose insulation is so tightly packed and if cured naturally , like boric acid, it is resistant to moisture, pests, and mildew. Cellulose insulation is also made from recycled paper, such as newspaper, so is friendly to the environment by keeping it out of landfills and leaving the trees to help clean our air.
Since cellulose is sprayed into the walls it allows for a tighter air control, unlike other insulations which need to be cut around pipes and wires. This improved air control and density is also one of the reasons for the increased fire retardation. Since the cellulose is not only slow to burn but dampens air flow through it less air means less fire. Unlike fiberglass which jut melts and helps spread fire.
To get the best health benefits when choosing your cellulose insulation look for natural curative, such as salts, and make sure it does not contain formaldehyde, asbestos, fiberglass, mineral wool, or ammonium sulfate. Salts will not leave trace odors, low to impossible toxicity to humans and pets, or any other chemical reactions that may lead to health problems.
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