Log fires the easy way.
Aahhh, there’s nothing like the glow of a wood-burner to make you feel cosy and toasty. Ouch. There’s also nothing like a woodburner to give you loads of dust, damp, smelly wood, and yuck, spiders in the woodpile!
Not to mention you actually have to chop up all of those logs, or even worse, pay someone else to do so for you.
The answer is at hand – perhaps. Its an outdoor woodburner. Instead of spending money on something tasteful for the sitting room, with a slate hearth,and a smokestack in compliance with the building code, you could spend the dough on what actually matters, a huge efficient burner, which takes ANY size of log, and transfers the heat DIRECT to your hot water system and moves the heat EVENLY throughout your home.
The wood-fired hydronic heater (OWHH as it is called on the EPA web site) is in more demand in rural, cold climates where a steady supply of wood is available, though can be found throughout the US.
From the outside the OWHH (boiler) looks like a small shed with a smokestack located near the building(s) it is to heat.
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