
One Month Left for Fed Tax Credit

The tax credit from the 2005 US Energy Policy Act will expire at the end of this year.

Homeowners have less then a month left to take advantage of tax credit that was to encourage efficiency in home energy use. Up to 10% of the cost of certain home improvement materials that were used in making your home more energy efficient, such as attic insulation, air sealing products or even Energy-Star qualified windows. Unfortunately, the tax credit of $500(max.) did not get extended by congress this term.

According to the survey done by Opinion Research Corp., done for Johns Manville (Denver-based manufacturer of building supplies) only 23% of homeowners used this in 2006. Also in the study it was found that only 32% of those homeowners questioned actually thought their home energy efficient.

How much of these findings are because of the general public not being informed and people really not caring? Since most people don’t turn down ways to save money that can make you money at the same time, hopefully a lot. If this information is not publicized enough how can the average homeowner take advantage of these programs?

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