Must have fire


Here is another Bobbage project, we have a semi-enclosed deck space between the bedroom and the laundry room or whatever that room is this week :)

We are able to use that space for much of the year, it’s cool in the summer because of the tall roof and mostly open ends that allow cool breezes to blow through. In the winter, it’s protected enough to keep us cozy, last winter PB put a small wood burning stove in there, it worked well enough, but we wanted more.

So late this summer, PB began to design a large, more open fireplace fit for a castle. I didn’t know how serious he might be, he has many plans for this and that, but having plans is no guarantee that it will be done. As per usual around here, this project is being put together using scrap material laying around the SkyCastle, stainless steel we brought from Dallas (leftover material from the work PB used to do), an old rusty mortar tub we got from a friend out here, a fireplace grate that was picked up from an abandoned property PB helped clean up, several large slabs of slate scavenged from a home PB helped clear out when the owner passed away…

Of course there are more parts than that, but you get the idea. PB knows each and every piece of material and where it came from, he loves to recite the backstory behind each part.

The biggest plus to this particular fireplace is we will be able to burn pine and other normally undesirable wood, wood that normally burns too hot or causes creosote buildup in normal chimneys. I’ll explain this more in future posts.

Meanwhile, please enjoy the pictures and videos of the SkyCastle fireplace.

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