I found it was a place where the cares and stresses of modern life would simply vanish – a chance to replenish my spiritual batteries, and think clearly about the problems of work or life confronting me at home.
Since then I bought the neighboring plot of land and houses. Now I want to share the beautiful places that are only available when you spend time off the grid. Its 700 metres above sea level up a tiny mountain road, in the famous Tramuntana range, where walkers and cyclists come from all over the world. Its surrounded by Pines and Olive trees, with views over the Ocean below and the sound of sheep bells jingling the hills.
If you are here for a silent retreat you can raise a flag when you want food delivered to your house, and we will leave you alone the rest of your time. You are welcome to bring your own food. All we ask is that you deal with your own waste disposal. Our 20,000 liter water tank is all rain water, and we also ask that you conserve water whenever possible.
But equally we can arrange every kind of off-grid experience, from walking and cycling to meditation and Acro-Yoga, rent a bike and have a Thai massage…..or lessons in how to build a rocket stove. You might want a guided walk across the ridge to nearby Deia, or spend time with a group collecting wild food and medicines. Or we can take you on a tour of the island’s sustainable resources – from other people living off-grid to food co-operatives and energy co-operatives.
Music Workshops for children take place in our fully operational off-grid, home recording studio and sound lab (open 24/7 for larger recording sessions).
I have spent years finding the right people here on the island and enjoying the things they had to teach,, and writing about them – in books that have been bought by tens of thousands of people.
I have been talking about this service for over a year now with my two colleagues Lara and Eduardo. Lara is a native Mallorquin – she is an expert in permaculture, group dynamics and practices Acro-yoga and Thai massage. Eduardo cooks great Mexican food, he is an ambient musician and an alternative engineer that can build an earth oven or a rocket stove – and teach you how to do it. They have links with lots of interesting people on the island in the alternative movement, from musicians, energy therapy practitioners to stone builders, herbalists and water experts.
Prices depend on exactly the experience you want. We help you build it by emails and phone calls before you arrive. Staying here in the mountains is not expensive – we plan to charge 50 Euros per person per night, to include a simple breakfast.
Additional experiences are extra.
We offer an individually tailored experience for each person who comes here. Whether it is mountain walks, or a special diet or something as complex as brainwave analysis while you are playing music or meditating, or even hunting (in season) – it is all available here.
Lara and Eduardo can collect you from the airport or advise on the right bus to catch to the bottom of the mountain road. We can arrange a walking guide to show you the centuries old tracks, or a botanist to show you the local flowers or a herbalist to guide you on the right diet for your individual needs.
But be aware we only take one guest, or family, or group at a time, and we get booked up. Also the experts we bring in to give sound massages, lead your meditation or give you lessons, also tend to get booked up – so start by writing well in advance to nick@off-grid.net. Last minute enquiries are also welcome.
One Response
My God, this sounds wonderful!
I love it, what you are cocreating here!
As a massage therapist healer trained in California I am also a musician – I sing, write songs and record them. Also play percussion and ukelele.
I’m really interested in a pure life with home grown food, loving awake kind humans and animals.
I grew up in NY and Los Angeles so this vision is a bit of a leap for me, but I am so drawn this vision..and I light up whenever I hear about it. …something to pay attention to!
I have never been to Majorca. Have lived on the island of Martha’s Vineyard since 1997 and worked at a farm there.. in the farmstand. Fresh grown organic Vegetables make me quiver with delight!
I would trade in my car for a horse if I could. I long for that slower sweet pace of the gentle clip clop.
Just lost my parents this year. It’s a big time of transition for me, and I am open to possibility.
Anyway, thought I’d respond.
Peace and Love,
Wonderful Me
( Martha )