
Luciano Benetton’s eco-yacht

Luciano Benetton
Luciano: his yacht smells fishy

You can’t get much more off-grid than life on the ocean waves, and Luciano Benetton’s new yacht shows how to do it in green style. The yacht has just been awarded the first ever Green Star at the Monaco Boat Show, a new rating in the yachting world, to denote an environmentally friendly boat.

A mega-rich man”s politically correct whim? Far from it, Benetton insists. His firm was ahead of its time in stressing environmental concerns in its factories and offices, he says, and he has put those same values first – above price and speed, for example – in his new toy. “This was my choice,” he says. Was it his choice to name the vessel Trib

One Response

  1. On Monday, June 22, 2009, my daughter, granddaughter, and I were moored in Echo Bay, Sucia Islands, Washington. In the evening a very large motor vessel entered the anchorage and anchored in deeper water in the easterly waters of the bay. We could make out the name My Tribu, but not the port of call. The next morning, as we departed, we got close enough to make out the Port of “Genova.” She was flying a flag that we determined to be Italian, with a United States Courtesy flag flying from the starboard burgee.

    She weighed anchor and departed shortly after our departure, and headed toward what we guessed might be Roche Harbor, or possible into Canada.

    She is a beautiful boat, and we were quite interested in her and happy to have seen her, now that we know whereof she came.

    Bon Voyage!

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