
Looking for Real Families living off the grid

alaska bush peopleThe success of Alaska Bush people on Discovery TV has pushed off-grid living up the agenda. But its another example of choosing off-grid people because they are half-crazed and will say things the media love.

We are looking for Real families – who do not talk like Jess Ventura – who live TOTALLY off the grid – away from the system – using guns rather than washing machines, solar panels and not cellphones.

Please send photos now – contact nick@off-grid.net

8 Responses

  1. Hello, I am a 27 year old male living in Florida. I have been saddened by what the majority of this world has become and am tired of all the disrespect in our society. I am looking to live off the grid and get in touch with nature they way humans were intended to. I am looking to enjoy my life instead of stressing out every day. I would still like an opportunity to contact family if needed, but am ready to change.

  2. My family and I are looking to have an off the grid home in Kentucky. We currently have property there without any access to electricity. We’d like it as our hunting cabin and/or future homestead. My husband and I have two young boys (10 & 2) and are hard working. We just don’t know where to start. Obviously we need shelter, but do we build one underground, above ground, etc. We have plenty of trees to use, just need knowledge on how to do it. Then there is the water issue, there is no water at our location except a man made pond that is not clean. Can/should we dig a well, use a cistern, etc? Any advise would be great.

  3. Hi I am in Ireland .i am building a passive house and I am looking to go of grid can any help with info on this subject. She’ll is up. Now need power.look forward to hearing form you .

  4. I want to get off the grid asap family and loved ones have tried to make me look crazy to my 10 yr old daughter I live in Al. and if there is anyone that’s got a place close to me and can help please I’ve got medical training & I can farm & hunt, I’m from S.C and I’m no spring chicken my parents showed me how to survive been on my own sense I was 12 yrs old.

  5. I am a 24-year old woman wanting to join others in living off of the grid. I don’t want to go to the extreme as to where I no longer can connect with family and loved ones (as I will be making this journey on my own) but I want to get away from this sickening society.

    I’m not going to spill my guts here but I’d like to just throw it out there. If anyone is looking for extra company and an extra hard working hand please contact me. I am an artist, I love nature and I am a spiritual/conscious person seeking like-minded individuals to coexist with. I currently live in Florida.

  6. My name is Thomas McGowan, i am a 26 yr old male who has been a welder/ fabricator for the past 6years and want nothing more than to live off the land and use nature’s gifts to survive and make a homestead and family with all nature has to offer. Here in Florida i have a farm with horses, pigs, chickens, and vegetables and constantly dream of being elsewhere. Im still grounded by the constant stress of bills and government and our society here on our 12acre “farm” , knowing i could have so much more. Nothing would make me happier than to have an opportunity to live my dream.

  7. renovating a 60mft trailer in a 100 acre forest living totally off the grid work part time as a healer to suppliment my income cook stove heats the place gardens supply most food that I can down keeping it simple

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