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20 Responses
Hi Nick!
This morning while sitting in my BnB in Soller Mallorca planing the next part of my exploration to find my place and service in the world, I happened upon your intro video of your project.
Although it wasn’t so clear from the video what you are doing in your project I was drawn in by your enthusiasm and deep intention.
Despite the wea lthy vacationers here, I instantly fell in love with this place as my bus rolled in, not even knowing that this would be my home for a week or two.
I’m 55 from the States and have lived an alternative and progressives life since I was very young. A year ago I left my job of over 20 years where I both worked and lived. Situated on a beaitiful farm in Western Massachusetts, the South River Miso Company crafts artisanal traditanal hand crafted miso, cooked with wood and aged in wooden vats. This was my life for many many years.
So, now as I explore the next part of my life I find myself in Mallorca and close to your project. And being that I am very interested in your project and my proximity to it, I was wondering if there are any volunteering possibilities. I am free to participate untill mid September.
My skills are in cooking, cleaning, being helpful in genaral, cteative thinking and planing, communications skills, community oriented skills, my enthusiasm!, but areas of my skill base that are lacking are my spelling, construction and building. Not handy but can help if given the proper instructions.
I’m making my plans now so if it’s possible to get back to me as soon as possible that would be greatly appreciated.
I’m availible for short and longer term volunteering.
Best wishes and thank you for your inspiring work,
Steven Freiman
Whatsapp is +1-413-570-5556
It is just myself and my toddler and financially I’m very broke at the moment. However, I want to live off-grid near Santa Marta, Colombia(my native country and land of the famous Kogi indigenous people). Can you possibly connect me with others living there off-grid? This would be great because recently I decided that I want to give up all to live the way I’ve always wanted to. Thank you!
Mississippi Foundation for Renewable Energy, a non-profit organization owns backwoodsenergy.org, a website chock full of free information about going off-grid while maintaining a high standard of living. We provide online consultations and system design, as well as in person consultations. We also have a blog, backwoodsenergy.org/blog, a facebook page, and a youtube channel.
Does “Living Off The Grid” publish books and if so how does one submit? My son and I are co-authoring a book about him living off the grid on a mountain top in Idaho. I’m a published author and we are both pretty good writers. I feel this book would have wide appeal.
great site !!
what the meaning of the number on links on the links directory? Is that the number of site’s who links on the link?
interested in building an off-grid machine. utube-light rider operation paul revere
a diy solarized e-trike with a solarized trailer, with swarming capabilities. open source video on how it was put together. enjoy.
off gird hydro energy
looking to join a otg community .. Master pipefitter and electrician .. will barter service for land to build a small cabin on …401-952-4062
Love this site and it is a great place to find the stuff you need!
I’m having problems adding my business on the list, can anyone help me here? Thanks
I enjoy this website this is were I started learning about energy independence! I have read the book and watched both videos! Great information. I will be doing a review on my website soon!
We built a home from conex containers and we like to share our project with all interested.
I have questions before I join this site. Please reply with an email address to send questions to. Thanks!
We are your premier supplier of solar electric, wind, and hydro energy systems, as well as energy efficient appliances and off-grid living essentials. We can supply you with the hard to find products you need for your off-grid home.
Off-grid power for the horse lover.
Would you mind adding my site to your directory? Thank you.
Just wanted to recommend eCo Wheelz Electric Bikes to your extensive list of links.
i support the off-grid living that i have a flash video in my website under news check it out im also giving it out for free only for off-grid purpose!
SRESKY provides solar products such as solar battery charger, solar charger, solar power charger, emergency charger, power bank, solar billboard which can be used for cell phone, ipod, MP3/MP4, iphone and more. SRESKY also offers OEM services.