All you need to go off-grid


Life updates in west Texas

20160519_141825Things have been going pretty well here in the SkyCastle, summer is definitely knocking, warm to hot days, cool to cold nights… The rainy season seems to be trying to start early. I even got caught in a fairly heavy hail storm last week between towns, I pulled over because I couldn’t see and the road was nearly white with ice. But a little farther and I cleared the storm OK.

I took my laptop to town to get it sent away for repair, I had spilled sweet coffee in it a few months ago, it finally quit booting up altogether. Fortunately I had purchased an oops drops & spills warranty through Square Trade, I am so impressed with them. They overnighted a box for me to return it in, complete with a prepaid return label.

I handed it to the FedEx driver at 3pm, Square Trade had it in Dallas the following day. A few days later, they said they might not be able to get the parts to fix it, then another few days later, they confirmed that fact, they immediately cut me a check for the purchase price I paid for it.

I emailed them to ask what they do with the data in the hard drive, they never replied to my email, but a few days later, I received a box that contained the hard drive! Yes, I am impressed and happy.

Now I have the task to pick out another laptop, I’ve been using my tablet, but for writing, it’s nowhere as easy to use, I can type fast on a regular keyboard, but on a tablet, I just don’t have those crazy thumb skills I see all the teens & 20somethigs doing.

In this same week, I finally got a haircut, it’s only been 2 years, the lady who does it is a jewel, Im sure we chatted longer than she worked on my hair… You can see my way picture above, a rare selfie showing off my new trim.

I hope to have my new laptop in hand in the next couple of weeks, I have some fun and serious things to do with it, more about that later.

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