LandBuddy – link with others off the grid

Welcome to the beta launch of LandBuddy ™, a place where you can find new off-grid friends and form groups to share land, acquire real estate  and other resources (no commercial postings please).

Looking for the perfect bug-out location?  Real Estate prices are high. Or perhaps you already have some forest or agricultural real estate and are looking for others to share the land?  But who?

Or, maybe you’re just intrigued by this idea of living off the grid, and you want to meet some folks who are building a community together, and help out a bit.

Whichever your interest,’s new LandBuddy service is for you. Real estate prices may have fallen but good land is still out of the reach of most. And finding other people who also want to live in an off the grid community in the same region as you is really hard.

We are here to help change that.

Simply mark the place on the map where you ideally want to go off the grid, or give the zip code where your land is to be found, and write the general area where you are considering off-grid living in the title of your posting.

Tell us all about yourself,and browse places that others have pinpointed on the map. Read about them and contact them via the site.,

As more people register on LandBuddy and the map fills up, you will find others in your chosen area with whom you can make plans, share land and pool skills and resources.

After making your initial posting please do come back and let everyone in the Landbuddy community know of your progress, and any pitfalls that may occur.

Please also post up video of your site, or yourself and embed it on the LandBuddy site.

As time goes by send us more video, stills, and diaries of your off-grid communities that form (or dissolve).

Please bear with us as we tweak the software.

Good luck to all.

8 Responses

  1. Hello from the Western part of the Country.. I am going Off-Grid and Leaving Society all together .. No car , no anything.. I am going to head into the Remote Wilderness and build a secret cabin on a stream and live in peace and happiness forever … I have ALL Of the skills needed and much more.. I have done this before and it was just lonely after a while .. I am looking for anyone willing to travel out nowhere and live… I will Teach you everything you need to know. You just need to get some gear and sell off everything else …
    I have spent years finding the perfect remote spot btw

  2. Hello off-grid minded people,
    We live up in valemount,bc
    Myself and a friend of mine are looking to start a sustainable community living arrangement for off-grid minded individuals.We are wanting to grow our own food as well as small amimals like chickens and goats as well enough beef and pork to get thru the year and also would like to get to prince rupert twice a year for our fish and seafood.
    So if we can get $25,000 per single or couples then we can aquire the property and get this started for this year 2012 if not then set it all up for the beginning of 2013.Only critieria is the willingness to work the community garden 8 months a year as well as tending to the animals.Not everyone is going to want to winter here so the idea is for those folks to purchase labour hours from the community and come the spring time when they return they will still have there animals and there our private world .Would love to meet some seriously interested people with the old what world type of values ,who understand what privacy means and respect of the planet as well as the people around you.Then we can draw from each other experiences and truely make a place we can call our own and feel connected.So if this is where and what you would like to do please email me back at Happy off-grid living.And just so you know Rick is 55 years old and J is little younger.

  3. Feel free to publish this idea.
    Near zero cost way to bring summer heat in a house way down. (I’ve been an architect for 40 years and my clients have amazed their neighbors with this).
    Namely: “nature hates a vacuum”. Something rushes in to fill it.

    Thus, as heat rises to the ceiling in your building and is trapped there, you should let it out. Open the attic access panel, usually in your hallway ceiling, during the summer, attach, and keep attached during the summer, the largest fan that will fit in it, pointing up, to shoot that heat up into the attic. Then, as the attic is already hot like an oven, you also go up and attach a large fat to a gable end vent, blowing outward. I wire them safely to avoid shorts, etc, then have a switch inside a nearby doorway which I turn on and listen for attic fan. When I hear that it’s on I turn on the access hatch fan.
    Then – this is critical – close every window in the place except the one on the coolest side of the house. Nature, then, offended by the vacuum you have created, pulls in that coolest air, which can lower the temperature by many degrees, on its way to the attic, while creating a nice breeze. So I put my work space right by that window.
    The fans together use a tiny amount of the power and AC would use. Neighbors walk in and can’t believe it’s not air conditioned.

  4. I’ve recently acquired a nice piece of property in St. Johns, AZ. Its High Desert, temperatures in the high 90’s, low 100’s in the Summer, generally in the high 40’s, low 50’s in Winter (but colder at night, teens or 20’s), so it has 4 seasons. There are two aquifers under the land so water wells are possible, and there is a long rainy season in late summer so rainwater cachement is possible with a big enough cistern. Soil is about 20% clay so has some possiblities for adobe or other natural material construction with little work. Large parcels are still available. I’ve seen sale by owners in the area for as little as $20,000 for 38 acre parcels. Local real estate offices sell a little higher priced. Woodland Valley Ranch is the name of the developer where I bought my parcel. Its beautiful, but desolate high desert area perfect for off-grid development. Contact me (Jim) at to exchange ideas on living off-grid in that area. My plan is to build straw bale and adobe, in phases, one small addition at a time.

  5. I’ve been looking for an online community doing just this… Thank you!
    We have our money saved and are looking at land right now, and going together on otherwise financially unobtainable parcels of land seems to be the only practical solution.

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