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LaMar’s Simple Solar Homesteading videos

Some time back, I did a review of LaMar’s Simple Solar Homestead, a great (and inexpensive) ebook created by LaMar, the great thing about LaMar, is he is actually LIVING this lifestyle, not just spouting theory.

I found out that LaMar has created some videos of his cabin and published them on YouTube, this is a great companion to his ebook, if you don’t already have the ebook, then this will help you to decide if it’s something you want to get, and I must say, that for the price, it’s well worth many times more. If you are considering building your own cabin, or using solar power, you should get this book. There are 6 videos in this series:

Thanks LaMar for taking the time to put this together.

Click here to read my review of LaMar’s book.

Click below to read my other book reviews:


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