Kosher Certification Program Bans All GMO Ingredients


As always, I’m on the lookout for non-GMO foods, when I read this article I jumped for joy, finally a mainstream (at least as far as I’m concerned) food industry is going non-GMO, I am thrilled beyond words! Here is what I found on this:

One group after another is denouncing the genetically modified poison on grocery store shelves, adding to the chorus of voices demanding real untainted food.

Natural Food Certifiers has announced today that any food product that contains GMOs is no longer eligible to be certified as kosher under their “Apple K” kosher certification program.  A press release stated:

“NFC was very proud to introduce the first “Natural Only” kosher supervision,” said NFC Director Rabbi Reuven Flamer. “It’s a logical application of our principle, ‘Start Naturally. Stay that Way.’ Therefore, the Natural Apple K cannot be placed on a product that contains GMOs,” Flamer explained.

“While according to the strict letter of Kosher food law a GMO food ingredient is not prohibited, in our view it is not natural.  Additionally, there is a Torah (religious)-based law to ‘guard your health’. GMOs are the number-one growing concern among health-conscious consumers and for businesses in the natural and organic food market, as well as in the conventional food industry,” said Rabbi Flamer.

“Recent studies show that GMOs may cause various kinds of health problems from digestive disturbances to food allergies, and that GMOs require more herbicides, which is really the opposite reason why GMOs were touted to be so environmentally helpful in the first place,” Rabbi Flamer added. “For all of the many reasons that GMOs raise a red flag, consumers simply don’t want them in their foods, and our clients want to accommodate their customers.”

Over the next 12 months, the company will phase out the certification of any product that contains GMO ingredients, and will no longer accept applications for certification of products that contain GMOs.

appleknfcsmall-e1365722208743-1691526NFC has numerous natural food certification programs, including USDA Organic certification, Kosher certification (under the “Apple K” label), Vegan certification, and Gluten Guard, a gluten-free assurance program.

Each product submitted by a manufacturer for approval is carefully analyzed.    The press release explains the process for all of the certification categories.  ”The process may include, but is not limited to, a request and review of the ingredient deck including country of origin and certificate of analysis, product testing, as well as inspection of manufacturing facilities.”

Whether or not your faith requires you to follow the Kosher food laws, this news should be celebrated by anyone who hopes to see the demise of Monsanto and the products created by their mad scientists.  While countries across the world are banning GMOs, the wheels are moving slowly in North America to even have GMOs labeled so that consumers can make an informed decision.  To have a large demographic refuse to allow genetically modified material in their food is yet another volley against the corruption that is evident in the unholy alliance of the FDA and Monsanto.

Learn more about why you should not consume GMOs…

Learn more about GMOs and Kosher….

Learn more about Monsanto…

Learn more about the sinister agenda of the FDA…

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor.  Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at

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3 Responses

  1. Say what you want to about it , but bottom line is , that if you want safe good food held to a high standard ……then Kosher is the way to go . Matter of fact , if you follow the general rules of kosher as far as what combinations of food you can eat …..its a much healthier diet .

  2. That is only one certifier, what about the others? What about the meats that come from animals that have been fed gmo grains? Do they not consider them kosher as long as they were slaughtered in a kosher manner?

  3. This is great news! I have a habit of recommending to my clients when it comes to the food chain from better to best I will tell them that if they can not find organic, go for Kosher. Knowing now that will not be any GMO’s makes it even easier for those who are in a mainstream super market that may not have organic….awesome news!!!

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