How much easier would hiking and camping be if you didn’t need a heavy bag. Of course, you can go on leisurely walks without a backpack, but we’re talking about long trips. Ones you couldn’t imagine without having handy a water bottle, your phone, even your laptop – if you’re trying to get somewhere remote. Well, two innovative designs have made that a reality.
The “mobile clothing” brand SCOTTeVEST has designed a new jacket that might solve some problems: The Off-Grid jacket. The jacket is said to be perfect for someone who is on the go and the ultra comfy outerwear boasts 29 pockets in total, each tailored to carry a different item in your life.
Wondering why you would even need 29 pockets? SCOTTeVEST’s, Luke Lappala explains “we have a pocket for everything”. And they really do: a small zip one for your wallet and keys where you can attach them so you don’t lose them, two big side ones for laptops, clear touch ones for your phone, a tablet sized one, a dog biscuit one, a water bottle sized one. The Off-Grid jacket comes with an RFID blocking pocket to keep your valuables safe. Lappala explains that the features will enable you to “stay ‘on the grid’ even while you’re ‘off the grid’. The jacket has been designed with weight distribution so the bulky items that may weigh a ton in your bag, will feel light in comparison. “All of our garments have a weight management system,” he said. “It’s how the pockets are laid out, how it’s stitched. [It] makes it feel more like a backpack rather than a jacket that’s hanging down on you.” The jacket is retailed starting at $215.

Baubax’s new jacket is very similar but the outdoorsy person rather than the “mobile” person would benefit more from it.
Featuring a neck pillow, eye mask, hand warming pocket, drink pocket, portable charger pocket, gloves, blanket pocket, earphones holders, phone pocket, iPad pocket and much more, it’s perfect for campers or people enjoying an outdoors lifestyle in cold weather.