I’m back!!!

It’s been a while, a long while since I’ve been here, many things have happened over the years, and some things have remained the same.

I’m still living 100% off-grid, PB and I have been here since Dec 2007. For those who aren’t familiar with us, we moved from the DFW area of Texas to far west Texas. We purchased a piece of property in a small community, just under 6 acres on a mountainside. Yes, Texas has mountains, but don’t tell anyone, it will be our little secret. We are just outside of Fort Davis, the highest town in Texas coming in at 5050 feet above sea level. Our piece of property is higher than that, but being outside of Fort Davis proper, it’s not counted.


We started out small…

We started out very small, very primitive, building a 16×16 box on stilts (we live on the second floor of the structure). There was no heat, no running water, no plumbing, we did have electricity, barely. Our electricity came from a few odd solar panels, a charge controller, inverter and some extension cords to distribute the electricity around the cabin.

We quickly built another room as a bedroom, as time went by, we added on and improved, installing a wood stove, plumbing, all the things you need to make a home. PB liked medieval things, castles, knights and the such so he began to turn the cabin into a castle, a true castle since it’s defensible. Today it boasts 2 drawbridges, a fourth floor observation tower. PB said he wanted to build 4 stories tall, I thought he was nuts, but he did it!

The SkyCastle of today…

The SkyCastle as it stands today.
As seen from a neighbor’s balcony.
As seen from a neighbor’s balcony.

Our place is still a work in progress, I suppose it always will be, I’m used to it though. I’ve never lived in a truly finished structure, my dad knew how to build and the houses where I grew up were always in a state of construction, not quite ever being finished.

I have many updates to tell you about. I’m hoping to see some of my old friends here, and hoping to make some new friends. Pop in and say “Hi!”.

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