I resign from eco-committee

Eco-town Minister (3rd from left)
Eco-town Minister 3rd from left

The UK administration’s plans for new eco-towns are increasingly threadbare, and Labour ministers are rowing back from earlier commitments. As reported in The London Times, I am therefore resigning from the committee which is supposedly advising the towns on their energy footprint.

I was delighted when Gordon Brown announced Labour was building of five eco-towns (later raised to ten) of between 5,000-20,000 population each. The homes would add to

One Response

  1. Interesting article in the Guardian today (21/6/08). Announcing the governments ‘plans’ to become EU compliant by attempting to provide 15% of our energy from renewable sources. No mention whatsoever of the previously announced eco-towns, however.
    This, in addition to the announcement that Gordon Brown wants to reduce our fossil-fuel dependance – whilst also ensuring that we develop modern methods for coal-mining and drilling for oil and gas, just makes a mockery of the whole ‘green’ persona which they are attempting to sell to us.

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