
How to build a quick, cheap Greenhouse

Materials needed for 28 x 15 foot Greenhouse (thanks to Laspilitas):

plastic greenhouse
cheap & green

*5×20 foot pieces of 5/8 inch rebar (cut in 1/3’s to about 6 foot lengths)

*7 x20 foot lengths of schedule 40 PVC with a small (3/16- inch) hole drilled dead center, at 10 feet

*2 x20 foot lengths of schedule 40 PVC (cut into 20 inch pieces)

*84 feet of  schedule 40 PVC cut into 4 foot lengths.

*About 80 of 2X4 treated wood

*4 x teated 8 foot fence posts

*40 X 24 feet of UV stabilized polyethylene

*60 x 2  inch fence staples

For photos of the Greenhouse being erected, and full instructions, go to Laspilitas web site.

Pound in your 6 foot long pieces of rebar every 4 feet, Slide the 20 inch pieces of PVC over the rebar stakes Nail on 2X6 runner to the rebar stakes1. Start by stretching a string along where you want the two long sides of the greenhouse to be. Then pound in your 6 foot long pieces of rebar every 4 feet in a straight line leaving 48 inches protruding from the ground. It is important that they be vertical and within  inch of the 48 inch target.

2. Nail on 2X6 runner to the rebar stakes. This will give you something to nail the polyethylene onto later. You can use 60 2  inch fence staples. (In the picture left we put the PVC on before attaching the 2X6. This was a pain as you had to hold up the PVC while you nailed the rebar.)

3. Slide the 20 inch pieces of PVC over the rebar stakes.

* make sure no sharps are exposed: wire ends, rebar, rough pipe, etc. It will tear the plastic later.

4. Place the 20 foot pieces of PVC on the rebar stakes. (Don’t put it all the way down on one side and then do the other. Have friend do one side while you do the other, both a little at a time.

Place the 20 foot pieces of PVC on the rebar stakes

*When you first slide the pipes on, the holes you drilled MUST be horizontal (parallel to the ground). Wait about an hour and you will not be able to twist the pipe to correct the problem. The vertical rebar will bend inward as the PVC flexes. This grabs the rebar and locks up the PVC .

One Response

  1. I was trying to follow the greenhouse instructions but could not figure out where you used the 4ft long pvc pipes or just how much 2 x 6 runners to get and if they also should be treated lumber.
    I also did not know what kind of strings to tie the pvc pipes with. so it would be very strong

    Please let me know your answer

    Thank You

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