Home Depot Teaches Green

Home Depot has not only caught onto the green movement but is offering “how to” clinics to show us how to. Their clinics are not only offered in their stores, but for those of us with tight schedules they offer “Green Your Home Inside and Out” as an online choice. The local Home Depot even has a “Do-It-Herself Workshopssm” for “The Smarter, Warmer Eco-Friendly Bathroom” being offered this month. You can check your local ad, store or go online to see when it’s being offered in your area.

Knowing that main stream stores are not only jumping on the band wagon but trying to get to the front is hopefully a sign of how the move to be self-sufficient and efficient in our energy and utility usage is moving toward being a viable option for everyone. Clinics, classes, seminars, etc. have been around for a long time, unfortunately you usually have to travel to different locations and most workshops are only offered a few times a year, if your lucky. Or your other options were to take course at the local colleges and universities (that dealt with theory more then hands on), find someone local who is willing to and able to share, or stock up on how-to manuals and surf the web for information. Seeing this information being put out by a large retail chain does show how popular becoming more responsible in our energy, water and other resources is becoming.

Popularity equals reduced cost as more demand for materials goes up. Also a louder voice in our communities when decisions concerning our environment, energy production, water conservation, etc. are made. Just looking at large companies jumping into the green movement can be a bitter pill to those who had to fight those same companies just a few years ago, but even if their reasons don’t mesh for the why. The fact is that they’re now trying to promote and help mainstream Americans be resource responsible and for that alone we should be willing to give them a chance.

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