Harvest Help Chitenge!
Here are some eco-product freebie offers you might want to check out
*Go on a treasure hunt of the Harvest Help website in order to answer the following question: How does our number one principle of sustainability help the rural poor in Africa? and you can win a Chitenge (African clothing direct from Zambia). All you need to do is email from their website giving your details and the answer to our competition. Please ensure that you put EJ/ED in the subject line otherwise you will not be entered into the competition. The winner will be randomly selected on March 20th, 2007.
*Win a SimpleHuman Stainless Steel Double Recycling Bin worth 129.99 from HomeRecycling.co.uk! Discover the total number of individual products (including colour variations) available at www.homerecycling.co.uk and let them know by emailing competition@homerecycling.co.uk with EJ/ED in the subject line.
*Build your own bicycle trailer, with free plans from Carry Freedom. It can be made from anything even bamboo, and it can carry anything even boats. Go to https://www.carryfreedom.com/bamboo.html for the plans!
*Win a 50 voucher for the extensive Graig Farm Organics range of foods by answering the question: “Graig Farm Organics is one of the pioneers of organic food – how many years ago were they started?”. Send answers to sales@graigfarm.co.uk, heading your message “EJ/ED Competition”. Hint: You will find the answer at www.graigfarm.co.uk.
*Win an organic t-shirt of your choice from The Green Apple by registering on the site and subscribing to their newsletter. Drop an e-mail first on enquiries@the-green-apple.co.uk with EJ/ED in the subject line and your name will go in the hat!
*Purepotions produce 100% natural products for sensitive skin. Email the name of their range for people prone to eczema to info@purepotions.co.uk with EJ/ED in the subject line and they’ll send you a 30ml jar free! Visit www.purepotions.co.uk for the answer!
*To win a Turnbacktime gift box containing 2 natural cold press soaps, 1 travel size crystal deodorant, 1 soy wax votive candle and 1 orange lip salve, just answer the following question correctly: “What are the main ingredients in the orange lip salve?” Answers should be sent to contact@turnbacktime.org.uk with EJ/ED in the subject line.
*Receive your FREE Organic baby skin care sample from Aloe baby. Log onto www.aloebaby.com and e-mail them with the name of the magazine’s they’ve been featured in.
*Step into Spring. Win a Paper Potter from Green Eyed Frog and make your own seedling pots from old newspapers. What award has the paper potter won? Submit answers on the enquiry form on their site. Winner drawn from the hat on 1st March.
*The Paper Potter from Ecotopia is great news for gardeners as it allows them to make pots from old newspapers which will, once planted out, break down naturally in the soil. You can see it at www.ecotopia.co.uk/the-paper-potter.ir?cName=gardens-wildlife-all-products. To enter a draw to win one please write to miles@ecotopia.co.uk with “EJ/ED” in the subject and on 1st March 07 the winner will be picked at random and contacted for delivery details.