Off Grid Home Forums Technical Discussion DIY Refrigerator 12W Re: DIY Refrigerator 12W


Cruising sailboats in particular often end up custom building freezers and refrigerators because the hull is oddly shaped and a square or rectangolaur box often waste space compared to building an insulated container that conforms exactly to the curved and not square corners found in a boat.

Any competent refrigeration service shop can silver solder the tubing together to make a system. Building the insulated box is essentially cabinetry joiner work. The inside can be lined with formica to give a smooth washable and food sanitary surface. By having more than the usual amount of insulation you achieve greater efficiencies so the fridge or freezer uses less energy over a 24 hour period. The key to sucess as requested in the original post is ti make sure the door seals really seal. to achieve a back loading ice compartment the proposed fridge/icebox needs a ddoor either side and the evaporator radiator needs to ne remote mounted. this is not really that difficult with a custom design.