If the power in your area suddenly failed, would you have a backup plan for your family’s food? A power cut will also shut the local water utility – so what source would you use for clean drinking water?
Ever looked for a way out of the maze of food chemicals and air pollutants that is modern life? For your children’s sakes, if not your own -here’s a few tricks to reduce the long-term effects or even avoid them altogether.
Its not enough merely to reduce or eliminate toxic chemicals. You need to adopt a more positive and decisive strategy involving proper nutrition, survival skills, and understanding self-sustaining living systems if you want to be ready for whatever may come your way.
From currency crisis to eco-disaster to Iran or China inspired conflict, political and economic threats can lead to social upheaval, jeopardising the everyday systems of living that most of us take for granted.
Here are 5 tips that will prepare you to survive in the event of life-altering changes:
Plant a backyard garden
The modern city, with its just-in-time retail stock strategies, is a mere three days away from starvation. Even having a few days supplies in storage is not enough. In a major disruption, grocery shelves and restaurants would run out of food quickly, leaving many in a state of panic.
Planting a backyard garden or a greenhouse could help your family’s long-term survival. Learn about how to grow a variety of foods in varying weather and climate conditions. It will be worth far more than fiat currency in a crisis, and it could end up saving your life.
Learn more about backyard survival gardening.
Learn the principles of permaculture
To go along with the backyard survival garden idea, learning and understanding the principles of permaculture will be essential for surviving “off the grid.” This self-sustaining method of living, which includes learning how to grow organic foods and generate electricity at home, will ensure that, no matter what happens to “the system,” you and your family will be able to survive independently.
Learn more about Permaculture resources.
Invest a little in gold, silver, diamonds
The monetary system centers around fiat currencies backed by debt and run by central banks which have been devaluing their national currencies as rapidly as they dare. When you have to head for the hills, paper wealth will count for little.
But you can help protect your financial assets by converting some of your savings to gold, silver, diamonds, or various other precious metals and gemstones that hold inherent value. Unlike cash or stocks, precious metals and gemstones will retain value in the event of a crisis, and can be used to barter for much-needed goods.(https://www.ronpaul.com)
Eat healthy and detoxify your body
Knowing the difference between edible and poisonous plants found in the wild is a helpful tool for ensuring that you always have food to eat. Your local library or bookstore most likely carries edible plant guides that are specific to your area, which will help you in learning more about what is safe to eat in the event of an emergency. Here is one example.
Health truly is wealth, and a critical component of health maintenance is to regularly detoxify your body from the harmful chemicals and toxins that gradually build up over time. Colon cleansing, liver cleansing, and supplementation with detoxifying “superfoods” are great ways to ensure that your immune system is always prepared.
To learn more, visit the six week detox
Drink clean, fluoride-free water
Clean water is the most basic and fundamental aspect of maintaining life, and yet many people would not know where to find it or how to obtain it in the event of a major crisis. If water utilities and grocery store shelves no longer had any water available, or were unable to maintain an adequate supply, would you know how to get it?
Stock up on purified or spring water, including filling rain barrels with rainwater. Water from local streams and rivers can also be purified using systems like the Berkey filtration systems, which use gravity rather than electricity to make clean water (https://www.directive21.com/).
Non-electric water distillers can also convert dirty water into clean water using a fuel source. And if no fuel source is available, portable water filters can collect water from fresh sources in nature and pump it directly into bottles for drinking. Iodine tablets can also be used to purify water and make it suitable for drinking.
3 Responses
I’m curious if anyone is interested in having a water pump that is operated by compressed air. You can compress the air any way you want (ie., off-grid). Pump is stainless steel, lasts for years, pressurizes your plumbing system up to 20 gallons/min. I use propane to run a small engine to compress the air for my system. Reply on this post if you are interested. The cost per pump is $750.00 plus shipping.
Fantastic article. It’s true, Berkey Water Purifiers are amazing. I’m shipping them across Canada daily now. For a Canadian distributor, please check out:
1% of all our sales goes towards donating Berkey’s to those in need.. Ahoy!
My husband and I live in Fairbanks, Alaska. Because we are at the end of road and the supply chain, we have planned for a disruption in the transportation system that delivers everything from the Lower 48, particularily from Seattle.
We garden, are in the process of adding chickens (as soon as I can figure out the bureauracy regarding “farm animals”), store water and other essentials. One thing that I would like to point in regards to gardening is that most seeds purchased at box stores have been genetically modified and you cannot save seeds from your harvest. Heirloom or non-genetically modified seeds are readily available and for approximately the same cost as seeds available from the box stores or big agro-businesses. Here is some food for thought so to speak, there is a strain of corn that is widely grown in the Lower 48 that has been modified to contain its own insecticide. However, because it has not been modified to kill specific pests, everything that eats it, dies.
While Alaska has a short growing season, we also have almost continuous sunlight thus extending our growing season. The extended daylight also sweetens most everything. There are challenges to growing food here but it is feasible. And if we can do it, you can too.