Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah insists millions of people could follow her example and drive a car fueled by vegetable oil; they just need a diesel engine.

Hannah talks sense on cars
Based primarily in Colorado, Hannah lives an environmentally-friendly existence with a solar-powered home. When she leaves the confines of her house, she drives around in her 1983 EL CAMINO, which has had no special work done to it to get it running on bio-diesel.
She says, “Basically, in 1900 at the World Fair, RUDOLPH DIESEL invented the diesel engine to run on peanut oil so farmers could grow their own fuel. So any diesel engine can still run on vegetable oil. It doesn’t cause greenhouse gases and has lower carbon dioxide and all the other emissions.
“There are about 250 (gas) stations in the country now that sell it, but you can also order it online. I get it in my little town in the mountains from our local fast food restaurants. They donate it to us and my caretaker makes it. But when I’m in LA, I order it online and it’s delivered in 55 hours with a pump just like you get at a gas station.”
Hannah admits her car often smells of French fries or donuts because of the oil.
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5 Responses
Your friend is wrong. Diesel-powered El Caminos and Caballeros were built from 1982 to 1984.
I showed the story Daryl Hannah has about her car and we both think it’s a wonderful idea, but he say an El Camino was never offered with a diesel engine. If no work had been done to it, how is this possible?
You can find a variety of web references that give various recipe’s. One of the good ones is https://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_mike.html, but the best resource is Girl Mark’s book at https://www.localb100.com/book.html
We have mentioned this in an earlier story, one which Steve Spence posted up before he joined the team, but I will ask Steve to g3ive us the benefit of his experienceon that.
So what is the RECIPE for converting used oil???