Daryl boosts eco-interest

Daryl Hannah in tree
She really IS a treehugger

Daryl Hannah has given the off-grid lifestyle another boost, by re-stating why she lives that way herself. Last week the Press Association reported breathlessly that Daryl had “revealed” she was living off the grid. In fact she gave this web site an interview two years ago saying much the same thing but at much greater length.

Press Association’s Premier Showbiz section reported that the actress explained: “We sell fruit and vegetables at the farmers’ market and I have a bunch of rescue animals. It is all off the grid. I have been off the grid for 16 years.”

The 46-year-old said she considers her biggest environmental impact to be her car.


“I don’t even use petroleum in my car,” she added. “I use vegetable grease in the car. I have a 1983 car that has been running on that for seven years now and I get 50 miles to the gallon.”

The actress added: “In the world we are all facing serious issues and challenges; I don’t think it is isolated to any one profession. Everyone is realising we are in deep trouble.

“We have stuff to deal with on all fronts… human welfare issues, environmental welfare issues, animal welfare issues. They are all one and the same. We have problems and we have to start looking at solutions. And we better do it fast.”

The high spot of the interview she gave us in 2005 was the revelation that her couch is a moss-covered rock.

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