
China endorses off-grid future

Chen Deming
Chen confirms China’s eco-policy

China will increase the proportion of renewables to 15 percent of its total energy consumption in 2020 from 7.5 percent today in a bid to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pursue sustainable economic growth, according to a national plan published on Tuesday.

By 2020, about 300 million rural Chinese will use biogas as their main fuel, reports Xinhua,when China will use 10 million tons bio-ethanol and two million tons of bio-diesel to replace 10 million tons of oil annually, said Chen Deming, vice minister in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).


China will also provide electricity to remote regions and alleviate fuel shortages in rural areas through using renewable energy microgrids.

China’s renewable energy usage will total 600 million tons of coal equivalent in 2020, compared with 166 million tons in 2005.
The plan would cost China two trillion yuan (266.7 billion U.S. dollars) during the 2006-2020 period, said Chen.

Premier Wen Jiabao said earlier this year “the current macro- control policy must focus on energy conservation and emission reduction; otherwise China’s natural resources and environment will not be able to sustain its economic development”. As coal currently feeds most of China’s energy needs and causes serious pollution, the plan highlights the development of hydropower, wind power, biomass and solar energy.

By 2020, the country’s installed hydropower capacity is expected to reach 300 million kilowatts, wind power capacity 30 million kw, biomass power 30 million kw and solar power 1.8 million kw, according to the plan published by NDRC.

China would make great efforts to cope with climate changes though its carbon dioxide emissions accounted for only nine percent of the world’s total from 1950 to 2002, with per capita emissions 87 percent of the world average in 2004, said Chen.

Carbon dioxide is produced by burning coal, oil and gas for heat, power and transportation and is believed to be a major contributor to global warming.

“The international community should give China the right to and room for development,” said Chen, adding that “China have emitted a bit more carbon dioxide because developed countries have transferred some of their energy-consuming industries to China.”

“As far as I know, the European Union plans to raise the ratio of renewable energy in its total energy consumption to 20 percent by 2020 and no other big powers have such plans,” said Chen.

To achieve the goal, the Chinese government will foster a stable market demand for renewable energy and support the development of renewable energy industries through mandatory policies and preferential price and tax policies.

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